☽Dom!Max - Submissive☾

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☁Part 1


☁Word Count: 1484

☁Reader and Max are in college

Soft humming was carried down the hallway of the small two bedroom apartment. The sweet tune wasn't enough to disrupt the still sleeping Max but it did cause him to stir. Slowly his eyes cracked open, not needing to adjust to the dark room though he still let out a groan and covered his eyes. with a rough sigh he kicked his legs over the side of his bed and lifted his arms over his head and making an odd noise while he stretched, every muscle above his waist flexing.

standing up on wobbly legs he rand his hands through his hair before pulling up the fleece PJ pants that clung to the lowest part of his hips for dear life. he pulled a t-shirt over his head, allowing it to fall over his torso, hiding the soft outline of abs and the very defined v-line and happy trail he had.

He groggily padded into the kitchen and blinked the fog out of his eyes, his roommate coming into view. His eyes ran up and down her body, taking in her curvaceous figure. He had eyed her up a few times since she moved in but he had chalked it up to his guy brain seeing a girl and needing to take a look.

she was standing in front of the sink, her hips swaying slowly to the beat of the soft music she was humming to. She was till dressed in what Max and deemed her sleepwear, she was clad in a thin skin tone tanktop that stopped just above her belly button and black, fleece lined dolphin shorts.

his eyes lingered on her slow moving hips, licking his lips and grabbing his chin before walking over to her and placing his hand firmly on the counter, her back almost pressed against his.

"Morning" he croaked out as he glanced over her shoulder.

She put down the dish she was washing and picked up a cup, turning on her heel and leaning back a bit so she wouldn't be so close to him. she held out the cup filled steaming brown liquid, coffee.

"Morning!" she chirped out causing Max's frown to deepen a bit. "I was up early so I made you coffee."

He took the cup out of her hand and set it on the small island behind him, not bothering to take a sip before trapping her between him and the counter. His arms planted on the counter on either side of his roommate causing her cheeks to flush a soft, rosie pink. She looked up at him through his eyelashes and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and sucked in a soft breath.

"Max-" she whispered out.

He slid his knee between her legs, pressing it up into her core, causing her to let out a soft gasp and grip the counter behind her. He let out a soft growl and pulled himself away completely before grabbing his mug and walking back to his room.


(Your POV)


I watched as my roommate walked away, my thighs squeezing themselves togther as I tried to regain your composure. I willed your now shaking body to turn back to the dishes and finish the plate I had been working on before meekly making my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.


(Max's POV)


I set the coffee (Y/N) had made me down on my bedside table before falling back onto my bed, my hands reaching up to rub my face as I let out a soft groan.

"Fuck-" I growled into my palms, mentally scolding myself for not being able to stop myself.


(Authors POV)

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