☽Petrol - Cloud 9☾

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☁TW: Use of Marijuana

☁Reader and Petrol are 16+

☁Word Count: 998

This oneshot was written purely for my own enjoyment so sorry if you don't smoke, ill provide more fluff that DOESN'T involve drug use ☺

The tall male stood in the corner of the room, loud music assaulting his eardrums. People seemed to avoid him but he expected it, his gruff vibe usually put people off, he didn't really want to be here so it wasn't a bother, he was here for his long time friends Billy and Edward.

His eyes scanned the teens around the room, most of them conversing, making out or playing stupid drinking games. He let out a gentle scoff as two girls shuffled past him, holding up their friend between them, the girl almost passed out with drool rolling out of the corner of her mouth.

Petrol hated parties like this, he'd rather be chilling out with a few friends, playing video games, eating snacks and MAYBE smoking a bit of weed. Now Petrol wasn't a stoner but he did enjoy smoking socially, it allowed him to feel more relaxed and sometimes he even spoke to his friends. He wanted to leave this place but he had no reason and nothing to do once he did leave so he stayed put in his corner, his arms folding over his chest.

Just as he was beginning to think his night was just going to be him standing there, completely sober and completely bored, he felt a gentle tap on his left shoulder. He glanced over and looked down slightly, his vision being drawn towards a short girl blushing and smiling up at him meekly. He rose an eyebrow and watched as the girls lips began to move but he couldn't hear what was coming out of her mouth.

He pointed to his ears and she gave him a knowing look as her mouth turned into a soft 'o' shape. she reached up and gently took his wrist in her soft hands, tugging him through a crowd of drunk and high teens. Once they reached the front door Petrol looked down at the girl and walked out of the house behind her.

Once the door closed and Petrol could hear what was going on, the girl began to speak and he would be lying if he said her voice wasn't music to his ears.

"Hi!" she chirped happily, "I thought you looked a little bored and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out- parties aren't really my thing" she stated, her voice growing soft.

Petrol felt his lip twitch up into a smile while he nodded. The girl squeaked and smiled before grabbing one of his hands with the two of hers and pulled him off the property, towards her house.

"Oh! I'm (Y/N) by the way" she said softly, her gaze drifting from the sidewalk to him.

Petrol sucked in a breath and said simply, "Petrol."

"Nice to meet you, Petrol" she said, her smile could be heard in her voice.


(Time Skip cause you and Petrol walked in silence the rest of the way)


The two teens had reached the girls house, she had told Petrol once they got to her front door that her parent(s) wasn't/weren't home tonight.

"Not that I'm implying that this is a hookup!" she squeaked out, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

Petrol just nodded and chuckled before stepping inside the girls home. she ushered him towards her room and threw herself onto her bed before sitting up and patting the spot beside her. He walked over and sat down slowly, his hands folding neatly in his lap with a gentle sigh.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes until the girl spoke up, "Do you mind if I uh- smoke?" she asked meekly.

Petrol shook his head and grunted, looking over at her and raising an eyebrow.

"You want some?" She smirked at him, holding up a baby pink tinted glass jar filled with what looked like a kitchen spice but smelled far from it.


(Small Time Skip)


(Y/N) turned on netflix, raided her cupboards for snacks and grabbed a glass piece, her bong. She sat back on the bed and smiled up at Petrol, the background noise providing a space where the two could comfortably sitting in silence. The girl packed her bowl and snapped it, exhaling slowly so a large cloud of smoke cascaded over her legs and across the bed sheets.

Petrol smiled softly, watching her made his stomach form knots. She was adorable to him. He was snapped out of his daze when she handed him the glass tube, the item seeming to disappear in his big hands.

After taking his hit, he tilted his chin upwards and blew out the smoke. With a soft grunt he leaned back and reached his hand into the bowl of popcorn that sat between the two of them.


(Another Small Time Skip)


Eventually the two of them were super baked, laughing their asses off at some stupid low budget horror movie. The girl decided, in her high state, that now would be a good time to make a move on the boy she'd brought home. Ever so slowly she scooted herself into Petrol's lap, straddling his hips between her thighs. She decided to pack one last bowl, this time when she exhaled, she leaned down, her lips just brushing the males underneath her as she exhaled into his slightly agape mouth.

As she sat up, Petrol exhaled and grabbed her hips gently as he leaned up to connect their lips. (Y/N) let out a gentle hum as the kiss turned into a short make out. After a few minutes the two separated, (Y/N) laying her head on the males shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut.

"Thank you for tonight" She muttered out softly.

He felt the girl inhale as he finally spoke more than one word to her, "Don't thank me, get some sleep, princess."

(Y/N) felt her stomach fill with butterflies as her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. She felt herself drifting off to sleep, Petrol followed suit not long after.

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