☽Sub!David - A little help☾

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☁Word Count: 2,098

Basically just 2000 words of soft smut

Requested by: animexloverforlyfe

☁I swear im gonna post fluff jdfhkdks

You had been working at Camp Campbell for two summers going on three, all the campers would be at least fourteen and your co-counselor, David, was now twenty-eight. You admired your co-counselor with every ounce of your being, his chipper attitude almost never seemed to falter always made waking up in the morning worth while. He always tried his best with everything he did and you could tell he cared a lot about this camp and its campers.

You had heard about what he and Max had done to save the camp four years ago and ever since then you knew David had his heart and soul in this run down place. Your heart warmed every time he would work with the campers, Gwen or Mr.Campbell, seeing him so eager to help was enough to make your knees weak- yes that's right- you had a crush on the Auburn haired male and you had ever since you started working with him.

You thought you had done a good job keeping it under wraps but apparently you'd shown a little too much affection towards him on your first day back to work.

(Small time skip)

Your eyes sparkled as you hopped out of your car, your nose filling with the scent of pine and crisp lake water. you brought your hands up to your chest, nestling them between your breasts happily as your eyes closed, allowing your other senses to take over.

Suddenly a well known voice pulled you out of your self induced trance, "(Y/N?)."

Your eyes shot open and your hands fell to your sides before you let out a soft squeak, "David!"

You slammed your car door shut and basically ran head first at David, jumping into his arms. your legs wrapped firmly around his hips as your arms wrapped themselves around his neck. David stumbled a bit but quickly found his balance before chuckling softly, his hands reaching down to grip the bottom of your thighs as a way to provide you with support.

After you embraced him you slid your legs down his own, your pelvises briefly brushing against one another. The feeling sent a surge of tingles through your stomach and up your spine, your bottom lip being tugged between your teeth as you waited for the feeling to pass.

David finally spoke, breaking the seemingly unending silence between the two of you, "Do you need help moving your things into your cabin?"

"Oh!" You chirped, "That would be great!"

You pressed a button on your key fob and your truck popped open, revealing a small cardboard box and two huge suitcases.

"Golly (Y/N), that sure is a lot of stuff" David said as he walked over to yank one of the suitcases out of the car.

He let out a gentle grunt just before the wheels hit the ground, his hands slowly working their way up to snap the handle of the suitcase up to full height. He tipped it a bit and waited for you to grab whatever you were going to bring.

"Davey are you sure you want to take that? It's pretty heavy-" you began but you were quickly cut off.

"Nonsense! I'm happy to help!" his smile caused you to cave.

"Alright fine" you sighed out.

(Small Time Skip)

David had insisted on grabbing your last suitcase, much to your dismay. he pushed the cabin door open to see that you had made your bed and were now taking things out of the small box and setting them on the small desk you were provided.

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