older!Nikki x reader !!Filler!!

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Hi- Have a shitty super short filler that i wrote just before i went to bed to kinda uh? not feel so lazy for not having anything posted? im sorry this isn't anywhere close to my regular chapters but i felt like i needed SOMETHING.

again- sorry-

(Y/N) stood in the warm cafe, taking her snow covered jacket off her body with a sigh, her gloved fingers slightly numb from the cool air outside. She stepped towards the till, glancing up at the menu had to offer her. Deciding on a simple hot chocolate she stepped forward to order.

(Y/N)s eyes drifted down to meet a pair of pink ones, the colour triggering memories of the same eyes staring at her from long ago. A greeny-turqoised  hair girl smiling at her flashed in her mind causing her out a soft gasp. She took a step back to see that same bright smile shining bright in front of her.

"Oh my god!" (Y/N) squeaked out. "Nikki?"

"Hey!" Nikki chirped, the corners of her eyes scrunching up the slightest bit.

(Y/N) had met Nikki at a summer camp when the two of them were about 13- the two of them being in college now.  (Y/N) had thought she would never see the girl again, having spent her last summer in the town of Sleepy Peak before moving across the country with her family.

(Y/N) also recalled having a crush on Nikki during camp and quickly confessing to her during the lat few moments they had spent together before she was dragged off to her car to head back home; Nikki didn't seem to forget this happened either, judging by the teasing look she was giving you.

Your cheeks took no time turning a soft shade of pink and Nikki took no time bringing up the last time you two had talked.

"So , (Y/N), You kinda left me hangin' huh?" Her head tilted in a sort of teasing manner.

"Oh gosh Nikki I- well-" You began trying to choke out an excuse.

"Nah! I'm just teasing', I'm glad to see you again! what can I get you?"

"Right- Uhm- I'll get a uhh.. hot chocolate?" The statement came off more as a question.

"Haven't changed" Nikki sighed out and held up a hand as you reached for your wallet. "On the house."

(Y/N)s cheeks puffed up ever so slightly as she brought her hand back to her side after choking out a soft 'thank you'.




The two girls talked for a while, Nikki slowly working (Y/N) out of her nervous shell. They talked about courses, home life, what they had done since camp and (Y/N) found out that Nikki had just moved to her town to coincidentally attend HER college.

They exchanged numbers once (Y/N) had told her old friend that she had to go, the two ending up texting every single day since then. Their texts started out normal,just two friends catching up, but gradually the two began to grow closer, their text becoming more "Intimate."




Nikki: Hey cutie! I've been thinking that we need to meet up, like actually hang out

(Y/N): I am not cute! also, I think thats a great Idea, I'm free tonight?

Nikki: Great! I'll be there at 7, It's a date.

(Y/N) Wait what?

(Y/N): Nikki!?!




Despite Nikki not answering her texts back, (Y/N) got herself ready, making sure she made herself look as presentable as possible. She fixed her hair in the mirror and poked at her face, fixing anything that might have been amiss before she heard her house phone ring. Yes. A house phone. The building she lived in was just off school campus but since it was old her front door had a buzzer.


"Hey!" a familiar voice chirped on the other side of the line.

"Hold on, I'll let you up" With that, you pushed a button on the phone and hung it up before waiting impatiently for Nikki to knock on your door.

Finally you found yourself walking to the front of your house and turning the knob on the door and pulling it back to reveal a smiling face.

"Hi" You said softly, your cheeks growing a light rose colour as you noticed the others eyes looking her up and down.

"Wow- I don't think I wanna go out any more" Nikki purred out but it sounded almost innocent.

"Wha- why?" (Y/N) asked.

"I could just stand here and look at you all day" She replied absentmindedly.

Suddenly her hands reached out and and latched onto (Y/N)s waist, pulling her into the turquoise haired girls chest.  (Y/N) sucked in a sharp breath as her hands reached out to grab the sides of Nikki's torso to brace herself.

"Yeah.. I think we're gonna have to ditch the plans" She stated thoughtfully before closing the gap between the two girls.

(Y/N) felt herself being pushed back into her apartment, Nikki's foot kicking out to close the door just as the pink eyed female connected their lips.

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