He's Gay and So Are You

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Matpat showed up in a tuxedo and started doing his math homework. "Why are you dressed like that?" Signe asked.

"Obviously, he's not passing Mr.Dew's class. So he had to find other ways to get that A," Ethan said.

"Ethan, that may be the way you get through high school, but I'm above that. I look like this, because I got two excuse slips for Steph and I so we can leave for our date, like I told you guys. I'll be right back, I need to see what was homework for English." Once Matpat left, Ethan and Signe engaged in their own little conversation, so Mark took this time to ask Jack.

"So how was your little date?" Mark teased.

"Date? What date? With who? I'm not gay. What?"

"What?" Mark asked.

"What?" Jack repeated.

"How'd it go with Felix?" Mark reiterated.

"Well let's just say you don't have to worry about being replaced."

"That bad?"

"Well it was more weird than it was bad."

Matpat rushed to the table, "Guys quick, it's Ethan!" They rush over to see a crowd surrounding Ethan who was on the floor curled up into a ball. Matpat asked, "What's wrong?"

Ethan cried through his hands which covered his face, "Like if you care!" Jack kneeled down to join Ethan.

He said, "Ethan, you gotta get up. People are staring."

"Yeah, because they have nothing going on in their own lives, so they all look at the pathetic looser on the floor," Ethan said. Mark laid down with Ethan.

"You're as much of a pathetic looser as I am Ethan, and if we're both pathetic loosers, then so be it. But pathetic loosers shouldn't be curled up on the floor, we should atleast be crying in a ditch."

"You're not a looser, Mark. You're 10 times the person I could ever be."

Mark's face dropped, "No, I'm not." His face rose again, he whispered to Ethan "..and if you get up right now, I'll tell you why I'm not."

Ethan's sudden excitement was apparent in his voice, "Wait, did you do something wrong?"

"I guess you'll never know if you stay laying here."

Ethan paused for a little to give it thought, and he eventually and slowly removed his hands shielding his face. Ethan got up and revealed his damaged face, with bruises forming on his upper right cheek, near his left jaw, and his right eye was closed shut. His nose was also bloody. Signe, Mark, and Jack all grimaced.

"Come on, we better go now before the paparazzi comes and tries to get the scoop on you." Mark put his arm around Ethan.

Mark was sitting on top of the patient's bed, and Ethan decided to sit on a chair in the corner of the sink. Ethan placed the ice bag on his face. He then moved it to the sides of his body, but realized that pain was too great to bare with the ice, so he moved back to his face .

"Ice, huh," Ethan started. "No matter what, it's always ice. I could've broken my leg, and all they would've done was give me ice and send me to my classroom."

"When I was sick with a bad stomachache which later was revealed as food poisoning, they gave me ice, too. Yeah, no, don't call my parents or anything so I don't have to be throwing up all over school, no give me ice, because that's school logic," Mark added sarcastically.
"But enough about that, care to tell me what made you look like this? I'm assuming it was not a 'I tripped and fell' situation."

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