The Club

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Mat sat down on the table and started taking off his shoes. "Ewww the mac and cheese smells bad enough, it doesn't need your troll feet to help out." Ethan said, pinching his nose.

"I'd rather have troll feet than a troll face," Mat retorted.

"Ooohh," Signe said.

"Signe! You're supposed to back me up!" Ethan says.

"What? His was good, but seriously Mat, why are you taking off your shoes?" Signe said.

"I'm putting on my dance shoes for drama club. You guys did bring yours right?"

"Yes." Jack said annoyed.

"We couldn't have missed it from the five remind texts you sent" Mark added.

"Why are you putting them on now?" Jack asked.

"I won't have time to put them on after school. I'll be way too busy with putting people in groups and working on doing dance numbers along with coming up with new choreography and modifying some of the ones I already have. I'm also gonna have to work on my self performance."

"Wooh! We've got a lot to do this meeting so no time to conversate or chill just complete focus," Mat smiled at his watch, satisfied with his two minute speech. "Let's get to work." The club members split up. Some rehearsing their lines, others working on their dancing, others singing. "No don't do it like that!" Mat told one group. "It needs to be better!!" He said to another. "Speak louder!" "More emotion!" "This needs to be perfect!" Mat was hopping from group to group, each group getting him more frustrated than the last. Until he had enough. "Okay!" He clapped his hands. "Everyone come together and join in the middle." No one followed the order. He just heard chatter amongst them. "You guys!! Hello I'm talking here! " He was once again ignored. "God damn it you guys!What's wrong with you all!" This caught everyone's attention. "You can't even seem to follow the most basic orders today! It's like you guys don't even care!! Here I am, busting my ass off to make sure I have everything down for you guys, and you guys just cant seem to achieve anything!"

"You know you're not our only priority right?" Someone in the crowd said. Matpat paused from his rant and faced the club members to see them all exhausted and just done with everything. A lot of them probably had homework and projects and studying to do even after this. Mat also remembered that some of them had to go back to broken homes where they get even more stressed out.(||-//) The club was supposed to be an escape from their problems not a problem itself. Mat took a long breath.

"Look, I'm sorry you guys. I know I've pushing hard. It's just we need to be able to get this Heaths musical down. Today, everyone was supposed to have one dance routine already mesmerized, so we're behind schedule now. If anyone has any ideas on how to make us better, now's the time to interject."

Felix grinned, "Uh excuse me Mat, but I might have one. Perhaps we should take a more outside-the-box approach to this musical thing. You said Jack needed help with his dancing, and I needed to be more social. I know a club that we could both go to that'll kill two birds with one stone."

"If you think that I'll help you two improve, by all means go 'head. Just don't use that metaphor again, I don't want think of two birds dying," Mat said.

"Great! Jack, let's go!"

"Steph's made you soft, huh?" Jack commented as he was putting on his jacket.

"I've always had a part of me that was soft, she just opened it up."

"Thanks for getting me out of there," Jack said.

"Yeah. I know it was getting way too stressful in there."

"'re not actually taking me to a club right? It was just an excuse?"

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