Tao (cute)

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'You can try to act tough but you'll always be my baby.'


Even though Tao was a year younger than you, he always acted as if he were 5 years older. He had a cool vibe and was essentially the 'bad boy'. You guys were best friends since you both wore diapers and crawled on the floor. He knew everything about you, and you thought you knew everything about him.

He was like this ever since he was young. Tao always stood in a 'chill' position, trying to not show much emotion around him. But at home, he was a different person. He talked a lot, helped his family around, and the image of a perfect son.

He couldn't be normally this perfect..?

Even though you were childhood friends and childhood friends could never fall in love, you fell for him. You fell for his mysteriousness.

Every morning, you both met up and went to the bus together, but never sat together. He didn't talk very much but you had lots to say, you were afraid he would get annoyed by you.

However, this morning was much more different. The buss was oddly crowded and there was only one empty seat. It seemed to be calling for you saying "it's your chance, you can sit by Tao!"

You were getting absolutely crazy.

Students were shoving and pushing everywhere, causing you to stumble a bit while walking to the seat. Tao was right behind you, making it obvious that he would sit by you. You were flustered just by the thought of him next to you.

Suddenly, you were shoved into the seat, Tao laying on top of you. Your hands were raised above your head and his lips just centimeters above yours. How badly you wanted to kiss him.

His arms were balanced around your head to stop him from falling. It seemed like the world had stopped. You couldn't hear the chattering and shouting of the students, only the beating of your pounding heart.

You could feel your face burn red and you quickly pushed off your childhood friend. He sat up and looked away. He didn't say a word for the whole bus ride.


You both went on with your day as if nothing had happened. You didn't have any classes with Tao, sadly. After school, you both rode the bus again. It wasn't as crowded as before, so Tao sat in a separate seat. You watched him from a distance, as creepy as that sounds..

Tao usually walked you home because it was in the direction of his own. Today was no different. But for some reason...something felt different.

He kept his distance and never looked at you when you said something. He seemed...nervous? But that was very unlikely.

"Tao, is something wrong?"

He turned around, looking as if you had said that the world was ending "n-no! I'm completely fine. 100% a-okay."

Why was he so flustered.?

He watched you until you locked the door shut to make sure you weren't kidnapped last minute. Your heart was beating faster than a shower of meteors falling from the sky.

Why did your childhood friend make you feel like this? You wondered why he was acting so differently today. Was it because of what happened in the bus? Whatever it was, you hoped he was okay.

Your parents wouldn't be home until midnight because if their very packed busy schedules, it was like this all the time. You started to cook your dinner when you heard shattering from upstairs.

You froze in place, unable to move. What was that? Was this when I was dying? I don't want to die this early!

Hurriedly, you dialed a number on your phone.



"Tao? I'm scared, please help me..." You whimpered into the phone. You were quietly sitting in the corner of the kitchen cupboard. You could hear shuffling from upstairs.

"What's wrong y/n?" His voice was urgent and you could hear a door shut from the other line of the phone.

"I think there's somebody in the house.." You said very quietly but on the verge of crying.

You could tell he was outside because of the loud footsteps on the pavement. "Where are you?"

"Home, in the kitchen cabinet." You wished he would come faster.

"You fit in there?" He chuckled even though it was no time to laugh.

"Hey! I'm not that fat you know..just please hurry! I think they're upstairs.."

He could hear the fear in your voice, causing him to run faster to your home. Tao went through the back door, knowing that it would be unlocked. He quietly walked into the kitchen, opening the cabinet door.

It seemed as if light were shining around him like he was superman. You were about to yell his name when he shushed you with his finger.

Tao led you out the back door, as you shut the door he pulled his phone out, calling the police. After getting off his phone he looked at you worriedly.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" He looked at you, searching for any signs of pain.

"N-no! Not even a bit." You didn't want him looking at you like that.

There was a moment of silence until Tao started saying something.



"Can I say something crazy?"

"Of course.." Your heart was beating too fast for your poor self.

"I really like you. And you're so beautiful. I know it's weird for me to like you and all b-"

"I like you too." You cut him off before his rant got too long.

He slowly put his hands on your arms and put his face closer to yours. After a few seconds, you felt his lips on yours. It was magical. The way his soft lips caressed yours. You felt like you were on cloud 9. He wasn't so tough after all.


(A/N) : Yaayayyayayyayayayyy this imagine is longer than the rest and I think it's better written (in my opinion). Hehe I'm so proud of myself right now ^^' so many reads you guys! Thank you so muchhhh~~ I love youuu

I also changed the story cover so don't get confused! :)


(Next is a Xiumin imagine :*'n person who requested, please tell me what genre you want it to be :3)

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