Little White Lies

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Chapter 5

“Isabella Emory Grace?” He says, approaching the car. I quickly turn around and see him; the man I owe my life to; Ray.

I meet Alex’s gaze briefly and he looks like he’s just seen a ghost. I take another step back until I’m standing in the middle of the
driveway. Alex is still stuck in place. Why is he not moving? Why does he look so shocked?

“I have to go, Isabella. See you around.” Alex slams the trunk shut and gets in the driver’s seat and speeds off. I turn around to look at
Ray, who looks just as shocked as Alex did ten seconds ago.

He’s gotten a lot bigger from when I last saw him, which to be fair was about five years ago. He’s wearing a white vest with dark jeans
and sneakers. His hair is gray, like really gray. It ages him about twenty years. Ray is a friend of my mother’s. They used to work
together before I was born. I don’t remember much of him growing up, but he plays a very important role in my life.

“Trying out a new look?” I say, pointing to his head. I may appear nonchalant, but I am freaking out on the inside. He didn’t know I
was coming and now I just show up, five years later expecting him to welcome me with open arms.

“Izzy? What are you doing here?” He looks at my suitcase, then at me, then to his apartment building. He seems on edge, which is
understandable. The last time I showed up here was when the day my mother and I were supposed to move in with Joel.

That day, I ran sixteen blocks all the way to Ray’s apartment. I didn’t tell him exactly what happened because I was in utter shock. I
can’t really remember much of that day, or maybe I’ve just convinced myself that it’s finally out of my system. Who am I kidding? I know it isn’t.


When my mother and Joel eventually figured out where I was, my mother wanted me to explain what happened. She looked so
worried about me. I was just about to tell them the truth, but I looked at Joel briefly and he looked at me like he was about to kill me.
The look in his dark eyes made me feel like those were the last pair of eyes I would ever look at.

“Is that the way to welcome your favourite person in the whole wide world? Cheer up, Raymond, it’s only for a few days.” I pick up my suitcase and walk passed him I reach his door, and it’s now painted red. It was blue the last time I was here.

“I would have cleaned up had I known you were coming.” Ray says, with a key in his hands. He reaches the door and I move back to allow him space to open it. He needs a lot more space now, if you get what I’m saying.

When the new-red-door opens, I am taken aback by the clutter and mess in front of me. Ray used to be a neat freak. I remember
telling him that he has OOCD (Overly-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.) I reluctantly step inside and inspect further. There’s even a repulsive smell to match. This isn’t the Raymond De Luca I know.

There are empty pizza boxes lying everywhere, accompanied with Beer cans and takeout packets and cups and roaches and filth. I turn around, and look at him wide-eyed.

“What in the whole wide world is this?” I ask.

Apparently Ray has been so busy at the hospital; he doesn’t have time to clean. I’m not very impressed with that answer, but I let it slide. He doesn’t really trust anyone being in his house without him there so he didn’t hire anyone. Lucky for him, I came to his rescue,
kinda like he came to mine.

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