Little White Lies

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Chapter 9

Before I left the studio last night, Alex and I exchanged numbers. I got home a little after eleven. Ray was still up but he didn’t say
anything. I put his keys back behind the door.

I grabbed an old T-shirt from the bathroom and went to bed, where I slept like a
drugged-up baby. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in about five years.

I’m woken up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I hop out of bed
and kick my feet in my slippers. I pass a mirror in the hallway and come to a halt. Who knew seep could make you look this horrible?

The knock on the door is getting louder so I pick up the pace.

“I’m coming! Gosh!” I yell as I reach the door.

When I open it, I am completely woken up by the shock that overcomes me. The last
person I expected to see is staring right at me.

“Morning, sunshine. Is Ray here?” He asks simply.

I don’t say anything. I can’t move. My brain has exploded. There is no functioning part of my body at the moment, please try again

“Isabella?” His voice pulls me out of my trance.

The first thing I do is slam the door in his face. Crap! Why did I just do that? I open it quickly and pull him inside. My reaction might be
a tad dramatic, but I don’t know what else to do. I’m freaking out here, people!

“I’m looking for Ray. And by the looks of it, you seem to hold that information.” He says as he glances over my appearance.

Double crap! I’m still wearing Ray’s t-shirt. I really hope he isn’t getting the wrong idea. Not only is that crazy and ridiculous and gross, but it’s just...wrong.

“Oh.” I say looking down the giant shirt that barely touches my knees. “This is, uhm, it’s an old shirt that I took yesterday because I
didn’t pack any pj’s.” I don’t know why I feel the need to explain everything to him. But I do.

“Oh. Good.” That’s all he says.

Really? Did he just say “Good”? He must have really gotten the wrong idea.

“Anyway, uhm, I don’t know where Ray is. But lemme check.” I say, brushing passed him. I must admit that I do suddenly change my
walk now that I know he’s watching me. Gosh! I’m so dumb.


I rush into the bathroom and grab the mouthwash from the cabinet and swallow. Crap! I’m supposed to gargle and spit, not swallow! I pour some more into the cap and swish it from side to side in my mouth. I spit it into the basin and put it back in the cabinet. I look in the mirror again, and then throw some water over my face. I rinse my washcloth under the water and wipe my face with it. I see a comb on the edge of the bathtub and run it through my hair.

“Isabella? Are you okay in there?” Alex’s voice causes me to freeze. I didn’t realise I was making weird sounds due to my frantic

“I’m fine.” I say, exiting the bathroom. “Ray isn’t in there.” I walk towards the living room where Alex has now made himself
comfortable. He removed his shoes and put them by the door and he’s now sitting on the loveseat with his feet propped up on the
coffee table, holding up the newspaper. Is this guy for real?

“I don’t think he’s here.” I say, looking at him.

“Oh? Really?” He says. I can’t tell whether he’s actually confused or if he’s just being sarcastic. The smirk on his face tells me it’s the latter.


Alex has been here for twenty-seven minutes and twenty-six seconds. (I count when I’m nervous.) I made a cup of coffee for myself,
only because when I offered him some, he declined. I’ve learnt five things about Alex since he’s been here:

1. He doesn’t drink coffee.
2. He doesn’t wear matching socks.
3. He actually is Twenty-two.
4. He’s still sorry for almost killing me.
5. He knew Ray wasn’t here this whole time.

“So your mom just kicked you out because you got home late on a school night?” He asks, glaring at my shoulder. The t-shirt has slid down my shoulder, revealing the tattoo on my shoulder that seems to have caught his attention. It’s a small “K” right above my collar bone.

“It’s not as simple as that. She’s just annoying. She can’t deal with her issues so she takes her crap out on me.” I roll my eyes.

“You hungry?” He says, changing the subject. I think he can tell that this topic of conversation is just aggravating me.

“Are you?” I smile.

“I am if you are.” He smiles back at me.

“I can make us breakfast? I can’t really leave the apartment if Ray isn’t here.” I look down at the pillow in my lap.

He grabs the pillow off my lap and pulls me up. “After you, my lady.” He gestures to the kitchen.

Alex and I eat breakfast together. I’ve never really spent any time a lone with a guy before. Except Ethan, but he doesn’t play on my
team, so I don’t think it counts. Alex is the first guy I’ve come close to trusting. There’s just something about him that reminds me of home; the home sans Joel.

He’s getting up. He’s leaving. No, don’t go! Stay with me forever. You’re home, Alexander De Luca. I get up with him and follow him to
the door. We’re two feet apart now and he’s smiling at me.

“Thank you for everything, Isabella.” He plants a soft kiss on my forehead.
“Especially the coffee.” He smiles.

“You didn’t even have any coffee, Alex.” I look up at him, wanting him to kiss me again. I know I shouldn’t want it, but I do. Lord
knows, I do.

“I’m glad I met you, Isabella.” He says, and then closes the door behind him.

I fall backwards against the new-red-door and smile. I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since I laid eyes on him.

“I’m glad I met you too, Alex.” I mutter to no one. And then I smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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