Untitled Part 1

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When I opened my eyes, I was in the sky.


What is this? Instead of a floor, what's beneath my feet are clouds. I feel like I'm standing on a transparent floor without sinking.

Wondering why I'm in such a strange place.... I try remembering my last actions.
I went to sleep after taking a bath like usual, in other words, this is a dream?
My consciousness is clear and I feel like I could grab the clouds so I thought for an instant that this is real.

[Arihara Rei.]

My name was called so I raised my head.
When I noticed, a tall man is standing at the place where nobody was before. His golden hair extends to his waist, it feels too beautiful and divine, he's wearing an aura that makes a person obey him. He's wearing a white robe and golden bracelets that are shining.

His slightly droopy, golden eyes soften as the young man talks to me gently.

[My apologies for doing this while you were comfortably sleeping, but I have a request for you so I called you.]

This is apparently not a dream. It seems like it takes a god's power to attempt to summon a consciousness, or so I was informed by the man who calls himself God.

He said that my soul was mistakenly sent to Earth and that caused some trouble, so he wishes to send me to the other world.

[No, even if you tell me that.]
[I am deeply sorry. If I were to leave your soul in this world, it's going to cause an irreversible effect.
[Like what?]
[A meteorite will fall to Earth within 10 years. Since its size is enough to destroy the earth in half, it can't be avoided with humanity's current technology.]
[You serious?]
[Seriously serious.]

God's response sure is light. My soul seems to have magical power outside standards, and its magical power is not divergent when it is on Earth so a distortion occurs that seems to cause this kind of situation.

[Then I have no choice but to go.]
[That is right, I'm glad more than anything else that you understand. And so, since this is my mistake, I'll give you some privilege.]

It seems like the different world I'll be going to is named Yulias, named after this God Yulias protecting it, where magic, swords, and monsters exist.

[There's the language translation which is a given, I'll also add one ability of God's eye as a service.]
[God's eye?]
[If put in words you can understand, you'll be able to see other people's status and information about things.] (TN: Shorter term: Appraisal.)
[Ohh, well that's convenient.]
[Well, that's about that. Do you have any other wishes?]
[I would like it to be a peaceful country without war.]
[An easy request.]
[Also, will my family and friends as dead?]
[No, I will erase their memories and pretend that you never existed from the start.]
[I see.... No, it's best if they don't feel sad.]

The talk has been concluded in an instant and God Yulias sent me to the ground.

[If it's you, there should be no problem, and if you're troubled by something, come to the church.]

After his voice fades, my vision turned white.

Translator: OkubyouKun Editor : Fluffthoughts

Chapter 1: Different World

By the time I regained my consciousness, I was on a grassy hill with the wind blowing.

[Ooh, the horizon.]

I seem to have appeared in a place surrounded by mountains, as I got taken by the widely spread grassland.
Rather, this is not the time for that. The city.... is it what I'm seeing at the edge of my sight?

[In the meantime, should I go check it out?]

As I walked a bit, I reached the highway, so I walked along it.
Before I knew I was wearing easy-to-walk shoes and robe, looks like Yulius-shin has shown his sincerity. Having my debut in a different world with pajamas is kind of unsightly.

When I search my pockets, silver and gold coins were put in 10 bags each. I'm thankful.
Next, I check my status. When I said "status open" in my mind, a translucent screen appeared before my eyes.

Rei Arihara
17 years old
Lv: 1
HP: 48/48
MP: 65417/65482
Magic Attribute: Water; Wind; Fire; Earth; Darkness
Skills: Language Conversion; God's Eye (Limited Ability)
Titles: Raised in A Different World; Spring of Magical Power; God's Favorite

....Don't I have too much MP?
Compared to my HP, it's totally unbalanced. Is it because I lived most of my life indoors without exercising, or is it because there's too much MP? I want to think that it's the latter.

I confirm my own body. My hair is straight and black, and it's not long enough to reach my back. My white skin is also in good health.

I guess my girly face will remain as it is. I regret forgetting to ask for my height to grow taller to look manly.
I should've also got my hair cut since it's already grown out. Oh well, can't be helped.

As I was walking while being occupied by my thoughts, the city gate came to my view. It seems necessary to have simple identification and money to enter the town the first time. Because the line is divided for horse carriages and travelers, these two, I lined up with the travelers.
I waited for a while until it was my turn. The gatekeeper is an old man with a stubble that gives a wild feeling.

[Oh, young lady. Did you travel alone? Looking at your clothes, you must be either a pharmacist or a magician, can you write?]

My gender was mistaken right from the start. Yup, it hasn't happened lately but it was normal when I was a kid it's sad.
Because everybody here is tall, I probably look like a child to them. Because I'm wearing a robe it's hard to determine my physique so they misunderstand my gender.

Without correcting them that I'm a man, I filled out the necessary information needed on the blank form.Although they're letters I don't recognize, I understand it so I write it.

I randomly wrote my place of origin as the village at the base of the mountain three mountains away east from here. When I wrote "male" in the gender section, the man's eyes widened.

[So you're not a young girl but a young boy. You're like an elf.]
[Haven't you seen one before? How should I put it, both men and women are slender and weak, in exchange their magical power are high. There should be some of them in this city.]

To have elves, as expected of the sword and magic fantasy world. In such circumstances, I wonder if there are also dwarves?]

[Production guild for pharmacists, adventurer's guild for magicians, which one are you?]

Since I have a lot of magic and I don't know how to make medicines, I'll just answer as a Magician. The old man kindly taught me the place of the adventurer's guild.

I pass the document without problems, I paid a silver coin and passed through the castle gate. Stone buildings of dark beige and red tea are lined up, a medieval European-like townscape expands.

I will first check the Adventurer's Guild that the old man has told me. Because it's a single road, it's impossible to get lost. After entering the city gate, various stalls are lined up along the street. Ah, that bakery looks delicious. I'll definitely go there later.

As I was walking while checking the signboards, I arrived at the Adventurer's Guild. It has a somewhat fancy design of sword, shield, and staff as its sign. I took a deep breath before opening the door made of wood.

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