Untitled Part 27

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☆Ragna's Turn


Editor: Fluffthoughts

That night. Because Ragna came and because of my story, our schedule was greatly delayed and most of the inns are already occupied.

We finally found to vacant rooms, moreover, both rooms have double beds.

[How do we divide the rooms? We can let Rei have one room and I can sleep on the floor.]

[There's no way it's going to be like that, in that case I will sleep on the floor.]

[Let's talk Aleph, there's a good alcohol. Ciel and Rei can share the other room.]

Ragna who seems to have taken a liking at Aleph put his arm around the swordsman's shoulders and forcibly dragged him away.

The two of us who were left behind faced each other.

[Are you alright staying in the same room as me?]

[Rather than saying I'm alright with it, I'd be troubled if you sleep on the floor.]

I don't feel like I can sleep in the same bed as Ragna or Aleph, so this is the most reasonable room arrangement.

I did feel like I wanted to try sharing a room with Aleph for a bit. No, as I thought I still don't have the courage for that.

The problem is whether Dy will come out and do something dirty, but he had shown himself the whole day today, so I can only pray that he remains asleep and doesn't come out.

While Ciel went out for self-training, I was doing muscle training inside the room. I started with push-ups, but this is pretty difficult.

Because I was an indoor type of person back at home, my legs and arms don't really have that many muscles in them.

When Ciel returned to the room once to replenish his arrows and saw me heavily panting, I was looked at with pitying eyes.

Stop it, or it will seriously pierce my heart.

I work hard until I can't do it anymore, then I throw my sweaty body on the bed.

Even though I've been moving around since I've come in this world, I never thought my body is this weak. Let's train our physique tomorrow as well.

I heard a *gacha* sound of the door opening so I only raised my head to look assuming that Ciel has returned, standing there was Ragna.

[Rei, can you let me in your room?]

[Don't you normally ask that before opening the door? Whatever, come in.]

Letting his big body pass through, Ragna enters the room.

[Do you need something? Weren't you drinking with Aleph?]

[Yeah, we were drinking together and I understood one thing. That guy's smashed so I came here.]

He continuously walks nonstop towards the bed, getting on top of it.

I got caught between his arms and I finally felt some danger after being locked in.

Seeing Ragna's amber eyes shimmer like a hawk capturing its prey, I use my arms to slowly slide back.

[Wha, what is it?]

[You guys seem to be getting along well with each other, and see, honestly speaking I'm jealous. Let's also get along harmoniously.]

[I got it already so please move away for now, we won't be able to calmly talk like this, right?]

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