Wake Up!

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Jess' POV

My alarm blared hard and long. Reminding me it was the start of a new semester. Yay! (Note the sarcasm.) I slipped out of my pyjamas and into a light shirt and a pair of shorts. I straightened my hair before walking into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. It was quiet, as always, because I lived by myself. My mother died giving birth to me and my father two years later of heartbreak. I was found by my aunty Katya. She isn't my aunty by birth but that's just what she says. Unlike me she's a witch. She lives in a isolated cabin in the middle of the woods. I've only been there twice. She pays my bills and signs permission slips but otherwise I'm all by myself. Next year I'll go to college and get a job. As a senior that's all I can think about. Leaving high school. After eating my toast I grabbed my keys and bag before jumping into my Mercedes Benz. What can I say, she spoils me. School was only 10 minutes away so the drive was swift. After parking my car I headed towards my locker. Everyone was buzzing with excitement about the last semester. I was dreading it. Exam after exam. Not exciting at all. I let out a squeal of surprise when my locker blew open spraying confetti all through the hall.
"Happy Birthday!" I heard a crowd of squeals surrounding me. I turned to see literally all my friends with party hats on.
"Thanks guys." I replied. I could feel the blush on my cheeks as everyone was staring at me now. The bell rang for our first class. Health, now I could have some time to myself to think. I sat there through the whole lesson thinking about my past 18 years on this wonderful planet. 18 years without a mother. 16 without a father. 16 with a witch mother and 2 without finding a mate. Sure I'd had my odd boyfriend but that never ended well. All I wanted was someone who would love me and tell me everyday that I was beautiful. I didn't care if he was rich or poor I knew that I would still love him. The bell rang again. I headed to the cafeteria and sat with my friends. My friend Chery was still wearing a party hat. As they say cherry Chery. All the chatter stopped as the doors swept open to show the populars. With the usual people. Josh Henderson, the school slut Marcie Mulo, Josh's best friend and then a bunch of other football players and cheerleaders. I know it sounds cliché but they no kidding ruled the school. The teachers loved them and the students feared them. Josh was the up and coming Alpha of the Black Blood pack. They were known for being vicious. Josh's best friend Mike was his Beta. All my friends were from my pack. The Emerald pack. Not sure what we're known for. I hated Josh. He was a dick and a player. He somehow managed to twine every girl in the school around his man fingers. Josh was about 6'5 and he was very fit. He kind of looked like Channing Tatum. Personally I don't find Channing very handsome. Josh is no exception.
"Um, Jess what are you doing this afternoon?" My friend Jordan asked. She was my bestest friend. We'd known each other for ever. Her hair was brown like mine but much longer. She usually had it in a messy bun.
"Nothing, why?" I asked.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight."
"Sure. Come to mine." I replied.
The rest of the day was boring. Lastly I had P.E. My favourite subject. Unfortunately I had the class with Josh. And it was dodgeball. And he whacked me right in the middle of the face. My nose seemed like it wouldn't stop bleeding. All he did was laugh. That dick. I was going to get him back.

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