The Birth

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Hi. Did you know I have over 4K reads? Some people might not think that's very good but my books aren't very good so, YAY! This is about Jordan giving birth. This chapter will be short but the next chapter will be longer. This may not seem like an important chapter but it has crucial information. Ok then,




Jordy xx 👪👶😫😞


Jess' POV

Kaidan and I ran to my car as fast as we could. Knowing Jaimie I had a feeling he was going to faint. Then again, knowing Jordan, she was probably be able to do it just fine. Usually does with everything. Kaidan sped down the many streets, trying to get us as fast as legally possible to the hospital. I had a feeling that Chery and Mike would be there and I had an important question to ask my friend's mate. We pulled into the parking lot and I jumped out of the car before my boyfriend could even park the car. I ran up to the reception bell and spastically rang the bell on the counter.

"Shut up, shut up. I'm coming." I heard from a door behind the desk. A girl who looked only a couple of years older than me walked out. "How can I help you?" She seemed so chilled but I didn't even notice.

"My friend Jordan is having a baby and I need to see her instantly in case her boyfriend faints." I spoke as fast as I could.

"Patients full name?" Did this lady not see that I was rushing.

"Halifax. Jordan Halifax. Boyfriend is Jamie Campbell."

"Ward 6, room 21." I sprinted towards the last and repeatedly pushed the buttons for the floor I needed to go to. When the doors finally opened I ran down the halls until I could smell Jordan's distinctive smell. When I got in the room heaps of people were in there. Daemon, Chery, Mike, Jordan's parents, Jamie's parents and Jordan's sister Jana. Jamie's face was white as his mate screamed in agony. His hand was going purple as Jordan gave him a death grip. I took my best friend's hand and ordered her mate to try and not faint.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh..." Jamie muttered as he paced next to his mate's bed. Jordan was screaming in agony as the nurse urged her to push. I don't know how long Kaidan had been in the room because I was to busy reassuring Jordan that everything was going to be ok.

"Just think of your little pup." I whispered in my friend's ear. Finally with one last scream I heard the crying of a baby. Jamie sank onto the chair with relief while the nurse wrapped up the tiny package. The midwife then handed the little pup to Jordan and her face immediately lit up. She stroked the baby's little face and slowly rocked it.

"My little boy." Jamie whispered, proud of his mate and heir to the Beta role.

"That was definitely worth it." Jordan laughed.

"What are you going to name it?" Daemon asked.

"How about..." Jordan sat there thinking. "Enzo Quintin Campbell?" She looked around for everyone's approval and I thought it was a cool as name. While everyone talked and looked at the baby I walked over to Mike.

"Cute baby." I said.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"Ok, I have a question." I went right out with it and he gave me a look that said I wouldn't talk to him if I didn't want anything.


"How come Marcie's last name is Mulo and Josh's is Henderson?" He let out a little laugh before giving me an answer.

"Marcie took Luna Willow's maiden name." That actually made a lot of sense, that is if I thought about it properly.

"Ok, sorry one more question." He let out a groan but I continued. "Why does everyone call me Jessica? That's not what my Jess is short for."

"I guess we just assumed." He shrugged and walked back over to Chery. With that Bohemian Rhapsody filled my ears and I walked into the corridor to answer my call.

"Jess, what type of drug do you need?" I said answering the phone. I heard a gasp on the end of the line and I just laughed.

"You better not be dealing." I heard Katya's stern voice. "Ok, that's not what I called for. I talked to Josh." I took in a sharp breath. This is what I'd wanted wasn't it. But the what ifs were flowing through my mind. What if he didn't cheat? Then he would think I was a bitch. What if he did cheat? Would I have the heart to reject him?

"Continue," I whispered.

"I scanned his memories and the last thing he remembered on that night was seeing his beautiful mate put him to bed in his drunken state. And the emotions were running high. He was in love with you. He thought you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Then he woke in the morning with Daena shouting at him." I felt the tears dripping down my face. I judged to quickly. Josh was supposed to be my mate for life but instead I judged the book by its cover and didn't see much of the content. I said my goodbyes to Katya just as Kaidan came out.

"Do you want to finish our date with a walk?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" And we walked out of the hospital hand in hand. And I felt bad.

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