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So this is kind of like the third part of the wedding thing. Sorry for not updating. All my family came up so I was kind of busy. This may be a bit short but I hope you enjoy it. Ok then...




Jordy xx💏👑👰😉


Jess' POV

As soon as Elder Mathew announced us, Josh scooped me up and carried me bridal style, since it was very appropriate. I smiled up at him as he carried me down the aisle. He was laughing and so was I. He leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips before carrying me out of the hall and towards the garden where the reception was being held. When we got there Iooked around at it. It was under a large white marquee. It had tables seated around the place and a long white one at the front for the wedding party. Josh set me down and we walked hand in hand towards our seats. People were beginning to file in but all I could see was Josh. Damn he looked good. I didn't even know that was possible for someone to look like that. He leaned over and gave me a kiss before looking back at me.

"You look beautiful." he whispered in my ear. I could feel the blush working up my neck. It was amazing that he still made me feel like this.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I chuckled. He gave me his ever handsome grin aas he kissed the ring on my finger. The ring he'd chosen for me was so beautiful. It was made of white gold with a massive diamond and eccentric designs. It was amazing and I loved it. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard heaps of squealing. All the girls ran towards me and gave me a hug. Then they all looked at my ring and began squealing again. Then people began coming to our table and congratulating us. Zac and Georgia, Juliet and Channing, Isabella and Will, Josh's parents, Mike and Chery, Jordan and Jaimie, Katya and Oliver and many more. The night went on and the food was amazing as it always was. Everyone was having an amazing time as well. When we finally got to speechs Katya walked up and I was kind of dreading it.

"When I first met Josh it definitely wasn't under the best circumstances. And I have to admit, I didn't like him. Not one bit. Every time I saw him it was under the worst circumstances possible. But man does that boy have spirit. He worked and worked and worked, through blood, sweat and tears. He did all he could to get my sister, and I see that it worked. Well he is marrying her." She gave a slight chuckle. "But when you see those two together it looks perfect. They are both great for each other and are such a beautiful couple." She gave us a smile and I leant my head against Josh's shoulder. "To the newly weds." She raised her glass and so did everyone else. Then she called us on to the dance floor.
"We will be having the dances. First off King Joshua Henderson and his mother, Luna Willow Henderson." I stood on the side as Josh and his mother danced together to Bruno Mars. It was cute seeing him dance with his mother. I felt a swelling pride within me knowing that he was mine and no one else could have him. When the song finished they kissed each other's cheeks and parted.
"Next dance will be Queen Jessamine Henderson and Alpha Damien." I'd chosen Damien because he was the closest thing to a brother. I walked up to Damien and he put his hands on my hips and mine were on his shoulders. We were dancing to My Heart Will Go On, by Celine Dion.
"You look beautiful tonight." He said to me.
"Thanks." I said smiling up at him.
"You can't even tell you're pregnant." He chuckled. I gasped in mock horror and smacked his arm. When the song finally ended, I kissed Damien on the cheek and moved to the side.
"Next dance will be the royal couple." Everyone began cheering as I walked into the middle and was met by Josh. He slung his arms around my waist and I hung mine around his neck. The song Marry You, by Bruno Mars came on and I had to laugh at the ironic ness of the song.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful your laugh is?" Josh murmured in my ear.
"Yes, you just did." I said placing a small kiss on his lips.

The night went on and it was truly magical. The best day of my life by a long shot. I sat in a chair in the middle of the dance floor and Josh was on his knees. He gave me a quick wink before pulling up my dress and going under. I put my hands on my flaming cheeks as I felt his teeth scraping against the fabric on my leg. He slowly pulled it down and soon off my leg. He gave me another wink as he spun the garter around his finger. Everyone around us was laughing and I couldn't help but join in. We took photos of the wedding party, the two packs joined, the two packs separately, our families and our friends. When it came time to cutting the cake we did it together. Then I managed to shove a piece into my husbands mouth. It felt so weird yet amazing that I could now call him my husband. It made me have an even bigger grin on my face. He was finally mine in human laws. Have I said that today was the best day of my life? 'Cause it was.
"Your Majesties, you have to sign the documents." I turned to see one of the Elders ushering us over to a table. I sat down next to Josh and signed the legal documents. Then our witnesses signed them as well. Everyone had come to the reception. I met the king and queen of the Royal Vampire clan. The King and Queen of the Mers. But neither of the Seelie courts turned up which I was very thankful for. Finally everyone went back to their homes and Josh carried me up to our room.
"I love you Mrs. Henderson." He said giving me a kiss.
"I love you too, my dear husband." I gave him another kiss. He took us into the bedroom and looked down at my dress.
"This is a very beautiful dress. I'll have to be very careful not to rip it." He gave me a smug dress before undoing it.
And let me tell you, we did not sleep that night.

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