Christmas bells ringing

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Hey. It's Xmas Eve. Yay! I'm really excited. So this one is about Christmas with the pack. Merry Christmas to you all. Also it may be short because I don't have much time to write it. Ok...
Jordy xx 🎅🎄🎁💋


Jess' POV

Josh has been very possessive and protective lately. As soon as I told him that I was pregnant it was like he had to make sure that I wouldn't die every two seconds. One morning I got out of bed before him and went to have a bath. Two minutes later the door fell down and in came an angry Josh. It was getting on my nerves. But it had its ups. Josh now brought me anything I wanted. So I basically sat on the couch reading my book while I sent Josh to get me food. It was nice. I wasn't even that pregnant. I was only a couple of weeks and werewolf pregnancies went for 4 months. I was so delighted by the prospect of having my very own pup. But the vomiting in the mornings didn't make it very fun. I seemed to be getting skinnier as well as fatter. It didn't make any sense apart from the fact I had a baby inside of me and I was always throwing up my food. That didn't help me at all. I walked down the stairs with Josh by my side. It was coronation time. Josh stood tall and strong at the podium and recited everything the Elders told him to say. Finally they placed the crown on his head and the pack went mental. Cheering for their King. It was amazing the love and support we had for each other. Finally everyone filed out and Josh and I left as well. The pack had really gotten into the whole Christmas thing. There was a ten metre tree which had heaps of decorations on it. Presents were underneath as well. All the little kids sat around it looking at the presents. They wanted to touch them, I could tell, but under the watchful eyes of their mothers they dared not to touch them. I found this very funny and went to sit down next to them.
"What do you think you're getting for Christmas?" I asked a little girl.
"A doll. Mummy said that if I was good enough then I could have a doll." She said proudly. I smiled at her and went to another child. I asked him the same question but I wasn't really expecting the answer he gave me.
"Mummy said that daddy won't come home but I want him to. Mummy said he found another mummy." He looked like he was about to cry so I gave him a big hug. It was sad thinking that someone would leave a lady who was bearing their child.
"Well we'll see what Santa brings, won't we?" I said smiling down at him. That was very depressing. All of a sudden a massive bell rang and voice spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear.
"Dinner is served!" All the kids went running into the dining hall where the whole pack was having a massive Christmas meal all together. Josh found my hand and guided me in. There were three long tables in the hall and they were starting to fill up. There was also a table at the front which Josh led me to and I sat down. Chery and Mike came to sit up the front and Josh's third. The Elders flanked our sides as well. When everyone had settled down Josh and I both stood up. Everyone looked towards us but I continued to stand tall.
"Merry Christmas to you all." I started. "Today we would like to thank some people. Our chefs. If you may give them a round of applause for bringing us this magnificent food for tonight." Everyone clapped and looked towards the back where the cooks were standing. "I would like to thank the Moon Goddess for giving us mates, our wolves and most importantly each other." Everyone murmured in agreement. "And finally I have some news to announce." Everyone was holding their breath in anticipation. "Your King and I bring good news as I'm with child." There was silence and all my self confidence shattered. Silence was not good in the circumstances. Then there was applause and cheering and whistling and I let out a sigh of relief and Josh squeezed my hand in reassurance. I raised my glass and everyone did as well. "To the Royal pack. Mighty forever." Everyone repeated what I said and I could see the hungry stares at the food. "Dinner is served." Everyone instantly dug into their food and everyone was talking to everyone it was so nice and finally I was at peace.

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