Chapter 4

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Alex POV

      I couldn't help but smile as I watched Y/N talk to the rest of the cast. As creepy as it is, I stared at her for a minute and tried to soak her in. It had been so long since I last saw her. Shes still as gorgeous as I remember.

      It turns out I wasn't as discreet as I thought because I suddenly heard footsteps coming my way. I looked up and saw Misha standing next to me with a very amusing look on his face.

      "So you two were a thing, huh?" He asked and I nodded.

     "High school sweethearts, as they say. We were together for 6 years before I decided to be a jerk and cut it off," I said as I rocked on the balls of my feet.

      "Do you mind telling me what happened?"

      "I'll tell you but we better sit down because it's a long story," I realized and we chuckled a bit before finding to seats and sitting across from each other.

      "Well, it all started in high school. She had transferred from some other school. She was a freshman, I was a sophomore; can I make it any more obvious? She was in my gym class and my study hall. She usually disappeared for gym but she was always in study hall. Every day she would sit at the same table and I thought it wouldn't hurt to try and talk to her.
      So one day I sat across from her and we played 21 questions. I, of course, got her number and later that night we sat in bed, texting each other until 2 in the morning. She yelled at me the next day because she had a big Biology test and didn't study like she planned.
      We talked for about two more weeks and I took her bowling. We had separate rides and I had gotten there earlier just in case she also had come a little early. I sat there and waited and waited and waited. I didn't leave until the bowling alley was closed. I had texted her all night and got no response. I was absolutely heartbroken. I had gotten stood up. For the rest of the weekend, I shut my phone off and locked myself in my room. It felt terrible.
      No matter how much I convinced my mom to let me stay home Monday, she still won. So, I got to school and walked all the way to my locker with my head down. I didn't notice the girl running towards me until she threw her arms around means squeezed. I looked down and there she was. I gently took her arms off means just stared at her with pure sadness and anger.
      'Alex you do not know how sorry I am about our date. I tried texting you and calling you but all I got was the voicemail. But I can explain! I was getting ready to leave and my mom got a phone call saying my dad was in the hospital. He had gotten seriously hurt at work and I just didn't have time to tell you until it was all sorted out. I'm sorry Alex I really am,' she explained and tears were just streaming down her face.
      I instantly felt even worse because I had jumped to conclusions and assumed. So I just hugged her super tight and forgave her. We met up at study hall again and made plans for another date.
       This time we went to a lake. I brought her out to the middle of the lake on my grandfather's boat and we sat and watched the stars. Or at least she looked at the stars, I was looking at her. It sounds so cliche but she thought the stars were beautiful and I thought she was more beautiful.               That's when I realized I was in love.
I kissed her later that night and asked her out, of course, she said yes. So, we started dating and everything was amazing. We had our fights and our ups and downs but we loved each other so much. She was always that girl that wanted to break out of society box. She was passionate about everything she did. She was beautiful inside and out.
      I ended up graduating before she did, but we stuck it through. I didn't go to college so I was there for a while. And once she graduated she realized she didn't want a 9-5 and she started pursuing her acting career, like I had. Shes absolutely amazing. She's a wonder on set.
      Soon enough our work dragged us apart a little bit. That's when I realized I would never be good enough for her. She never changed once she started acting but I could tell I wasn't enough.
      The way her lips curled when she smiled, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear, the way she laughed. Everything she did was intoxicating. She turned heads and brightened up a room as soon as she walked in. I was simply not enough.
       I really didn't want her to hurt over it, so I told her plain and simple that we shouldn't date anymore and then I left. That was the last I ever heard of her. I've watched her movies and seen her acting skills on the big screen. Once I left, her career skyrocketed. That was my sign saying what I did was for a good reason.
      I still love her. I really do. She's perfect to me and will never be anything less. She's the love of my life."

      I looked at Misha and I couldn't tell how he felt because his face was a mix of emotions.

      "Well as long as you two are comfortable working together, I don't think there should be any problems."

      "Gosh, I hope not. I don't want to make anything worse. Tomorrows our first day filming together and I don't want it to be awkward. Should I talk to her tonight?" I asked Misha as my hands got a little sweaty.

      "Go for it. She probably feels the same way. Just try not to bring up kissing scenes and things." He smiled and messed up my hair. "I have to go film so I'll see you later, mmkay?" I nodded and he walked away.

          I stood up and stretched with my arms above my head. My shirt rode up a little bit so some skin showed. I felt someone's eyes on me, so I looked around and my eyes locked with Y/N's. I smirked and winked at her as she blushed and looked away. Well, it's a good start.

      I went to go walk to my trailer but got stopped by Richard.

      "Alex! Y/N!" He yelled. "The first scene you guys are shooting is a fighting scene and you guys need to practice before tomorrow. Follow me!" I looked back at her and we both started following Richard as he led us to practice.

But Can You Love Me Again? // Alex CalvertWhere stories live. Discover now