Chapter 6

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You woke up the next morning and stretched while you made your routine cup of coffee. No text or call had come in from Alex. Guess he figured it out himself. You shook your head at the thought of you two getting together. Not gonna happen, you told yourself. You continued with your morning, ate breakfast, got dressed, brushed your teeth, etc.

You opened your trailer door to walk out and you saw Alex walk by. 'Damn!' You thought. 'He's looking mighty fine today.' His hair was pushed back just enough, a little bit of his beard was coming through, and his shirt was tight enough you could see his abs. You started walking down the steps and watching him at the same time. You could say you're not the most balanced person because as you watched, you slipped. Once you knew you were going down, you just let it happen. There was no stopping it. You heard footsteps run towards you and you rubbed the spot where your head hit the step.

When you looked up, you were met with bright blue eyes. "Well, fuck," you said. He laughed and helped you up

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Might only need a little ice for my head but other than that I'm good. Clumsy me, ya know."

"Were you checking me out or something?"

"Well, uh, I, um..." You stuttered and blushed as he laughed. Alex -1 Y/N -1.

"You, go get some ice. I'm gonna be at set getting ready, mmkay?" You nodded and watched him walk towards the set. You may or may not have stared at his ass a little bit, the world may never know.

You got ready at the makeup trailer and got your outfit figured out. When you were finished you walked to set. You saw Alex and went over to him.

"Do you know what we're doing today at all?" You asked politely. He surprised you when he just walked right past you. You looked after him confused. You saw Misha so you decided to investigate.

"I literally just saw him half an hour ago and he was fine, whats up his ass now?"

"Oh, he figured out what you two are filming today," Misha said as he texted someone. "Sorry, it's my wife."

"No, no, that's fine. What are we filming today? It can't be that bad, right?" You watched him warily as he finally looked up at you.

"You two are doing a kissing scene. Jack and Melissa's first kiss together. You two have been getting along great so I don't know why he's being such a drag about this. I mean, he was fine with the boner you gave him yesterday so why is this a bigger deal?"

"I actually don't know. I mean kissing might bring back some memories but it's not like we're gonna fall back in love. Its been years I'm sure he's over it by now." Misha smiled a very sketchy smile. "What?" You asked.

"So you admit that he might be over it, but you're not?"

"Misha that is not what I said!" You whined as he laughed.

"Yeah but you definitely thought it! I gotta go, I'll see you later." He walked away and you groaned. Sooner than later you walked into the set and waited for Alex to come. Once he showed up you tried making small talk but he ignored you until the cameras started rolling.


Melissa and Jack sat on one of the beds in the bunker. "Melissa, I have something to ask you," Jack said.

"What is it, Jack?"

"I get these little bumps all over my body when I'm with you. My heart starts beating fast, which can't be normal for a human, let alone a Nephilim. I get cold but I sweat when you ask me things sometimes. All these things only happen when I'm with you. I don't know what they are, can you explain?"

"You usually only get those feelings when you like someone," Melissa said. Jack looked at her confused.

"When you 'like' someone? How do you know when you like someone?" He asked.

"You usually feel an attraction first, like you want to be with them a lot. Then usually you go on a date and get to know them. Then, most of the time, you kiss someone and that's when you really know."

"Kissing? That's a sign of affection right? Like in movies when two people press their lips together?"

"Yes, Jack, exactly like that."

"Can you teach me how?" Melissa sat there stunned by Jack's question. Would she do it?

"You just pucker your lips and connect lips, I guess. Sometimes there's tongue."

"So like this?" Jack asked then kissed Melissa.


"Cut!" The director yelled and you and Alex pulled away from the kiss. "That was great guys! Y/N your reaction was perfect."

You and Alex stared at each other for a minute before he got up and stormed out of the set. 'Why is he being like this?' You asked yourself. Was it your past together? Was he mad about yesterday? They were just some jokes and he was fine earlier today. You walked behind the camera to review the footage and wondered why Alex left.


As I looked into her eyes after the kiss I realized what I was worried about; falling. Falling in love all over again. Falling in love and hurting her again. I couldn't do it.

I got up and walked out of the warehouse as fast as I could. I can't fall again I just can't. I stood outside and ran my fingers through my hair. What do I do? I felt something touch my back and I turned around to see Jensen standing there.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Whats wrong kid?" He asked.

"I-I don't know.." I stuttered and looked at the ground.

"Relax, breathe with me. Deep breaths. In and out, in and out." He started breathing with me and I slowly calmed down. "Tell me whats going on."

I looked at him and said, "I'm scared to get to close to Y/N again. I don't wanna hurt her again. I know I hurt her the first time but I don't know how bad I hurt her. I'm falling for her again and I know I can't but all the feelings are coming back to me and I hate it. What do I do Jensen?" I looked at him scared with tears in my eyes.

"First, it's completely okay to have feelings like this. Everyone does. Its okay to cry. I think you should be honest with her. My advice to you is, get closer and see if your feelings are really there. It really doesn't get any worse than it was before. Try and talk to her about what it was like after the breakup. Maybe that would help. Try to get her perspective and then explain yours. Maybe it'll create a better bond or at least a better working environment. Don't go ignoring her and getting all worked up, okay? Just be yourself with her. If you need anything just let me know. I'll be there whenever you need me Alex. I promise," he smiled and rubbed my back. "Well, I have to go film. I'd suggest taking Y/N to the food tent for lunch. See you later. Tell me how it goes," he winked and walked into the warehouse.

I soon followed to go see Y/N. I got back to where we filmed and saw her sitting there looking sad. Well crap, I thought, I already hurt her. So, I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and looked at me.

"Hey Y/N, I'm sorry for my outburst earlier. It was immature of me. Why don't you come to lunch with I and I'll explain everything to you?" I nervously waited for her answer and almost felt my heart drop until I saw her crack a smile.

"That doesnt sound half bad," she said. "Lets get to it!"

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