Chapter 10

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(I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I've had a lot of school work to do these past few weeks. Also, I'm sorry this chapter might suck, it's my first time writing smut)


"What's wrong with being here? It's just you and I," he started rubbing and squeezing your thighs. "No ones here, but us. If you're not comfortable I will absolutely stop but if you want me to keep going just say so," he said in a low, deep voice. To answer you held his face and kissed him again. You could never get tired of his lips. You pulled away and looked into his eyes again and realized, everything in the moment was perfect.


He smiled and leaned in to kiss you again. You forget how good a kisser he was. It was addicting, his lips were like a drug. You pulled on his hair as he reached behind you and tried to unclasp your bra. You could tell he was nervous by the way his hands shook while he tried to take it off.

"Here, let me," you said after you pulled away from the kiss. You reached behind you and successfully got it off in one try. Alex looked at your chest with wide eyes. You giggled and suddenly a wave of confidence came over you. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you weren't sure.

"Do you like what you see?" You asked in a seductive voice. He nodded and licked his lips. "Would you like to touch me?" His eyes immediately flicked back up fo yours, asking for permission. You nodded and he reached for your breasts. You could feel his hands shake as tugged and pulled. Soon enough his mouth found its way to your nipples. He sucked on your left breast while he played with your right.

Soft moans left your mouth as you tilted your head back. You closed your eyes and felt his lips travel all over your body, leaving a trail of love bites. Your eyes shot open as he kissed right above your panties. The sight of him in between your legs made you wet instantly.

"May I?" He asked in a deep voice, pulling on your panties. You nodded and started breathing heavily. As he slid them off, he started kissing the inside of your thighs. He touched your pussy softly and smirked.

"Is this all because of me? God damn, you're so wet," he said and he started rubbing your clit gently. You gasped and he chuckled. "You like that?" He asked and started rubbing harder. You nodded and your moans started getting louder. "Answer me, sweetheart, I can't hear your head shake." His voice started sounding more assertive and that turned you on even more.

"Y-yes," you stuttered as he pushed one finger into you.

"Yes, what?" He growled.

"Y-yes, sir," you managed to squeak out before he buried his head between your legs. You yelped at the surprise and put your hands in his hair. You pulled and tugged at his hair while he did the same to your clit. You moaned loudly as he added three more fingers. You could feel the ball inside your stomach start to unravel and started to breathe unevenly. You whined when Alex noticed and decided to pull away. The sight of him with messy hair and you all over his chin was illegal.

"Fuck," was all you said. He started giggling and leaned up to kiss you.

"We can stop here if you want," he said reluctantly.

"Hell no," you replied and reached down to pull his shorts off. He watched as you stroked him slowly and started to lean in.

"No!" He yelled and you jumped back. You looked up at him confused. "S-sorry I just, um, don't think I can, um, do that twice," he said and blushed a little. You smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"Whatever you want, sir," you said and kissed down his neck. As soon as you said that it was like a switch flipped inside him. You were pushed down onto the towel and watched as Alex lined up.

"Condom!" You said and he groaned. "Hey don't give me the attitude. Would you like a little Alex running around?" You asked and he smiled a little.

"Maybe I do," he said. His answer shocked you.

"Well we can do that later but right now, you're using a condom and hurry up because of I really fucking need you," you replied and he quickly put one on. "Thank y-" you were cut off by him slamming into you. "Fuck!" You shouted.

"You said you really fucking needed me," he explains and slowly thrust in and out. You nodded and started panting.

"H-harder Alex," you whispered. And wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" He smirked and slowed down to a halt. You looked at him with a little fire in your eyes.

"I need you to fuck me so hard I can't walk for the next week. I don't want to be able to sit or stand or do anything without thinking of your cock fucking me until I black out," you said through grit teeth. Your answer surprised him but he got the message. He started thrusting hard and fast, just how you like it. You gripped onto his shoulder as he sucked your neck. His rhythm started to get practice and you knew he was close. You were too, just a few more thrusts and you would ecstasy. You whispered in his ear,

"I know you love the way my pussy clenches around your nice big cock. Can't you feel it? Don't you want to feel my cum? Come on Alex, make me cum." He pulled his head out of your neck and kissed your lips, hard. Your orgasm ripped through you like a shock wave. You yelped and scratched down his back. Alex started making little grunts and groans as he thrust until he couldn't anymore. He laid on top of you gently and both of you tried to catch your breath. Your hands ran up and down his back as he kissed your collarbone gently.

He pulled out and laid next to you on his back. He looked over and smiled at you.

"You're so beautiful," he said and you blushed.

"Oh shut up," you replied and he started laughing. You looked around you at the trees and waterfall. "Well, I can cross Sex In The Woods off the list," you added and he laughed even harder.

"You have a list of sexual fantasies?" He asked and then shook his head. "Nevermind, it seems like something you would do. It doesn't surprise me," he said and you hit his chest. He laughed again and this time you laughed with him.

Both of you were quiet as you looked up through the trees at the sky. You felt a hand cover yours and you looked over at Alex. You intertwined his fingers with yours. "So much for going slow," he said.

"Well if you weren't too irresistible then maybe we could've gone slow," you joked but didn't hear a laugh. You sat up and he followed shortly after.

"Y/N, I'm ready to start over again if you are," he said quietly. You nodded and smiled.

"I think I am too," you said and he kissed you. "We should get going. It's getting dark." He agreed and both of you got dressed and cleaned up the area. You packed the car and went to your side but before you could open the door Alex grabbed you tight and kissed you. It was a kiss like it used to be. All those years ago. The feelings were still there. He pulled away and smiled widely at you.

"I couldn't wait to do that again," he exclaimed. You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Neither could I."

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