Chapter 11

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You and Alex got back to the set a few minutes later. During the car ride there you couldn't help but stare at him and think about how he was actually yours, no one else's. When he parked the car he looked over at you, smiled, and kissed you quickly.

"That's all I get?" You asked and pouted.

"You're asking for more after what I just gave you back there?" He smirked and rubbed his hand up and down your thigh.

"You do have a point," you said. "But I can never get enough of you and you know that." You pulled his face closer to yours and kissed him passionately, which led to you unbuckling your seatbelt and climbing into his lap. You hissed and pulled away when you felt that your thighs were sore. Alex seemed confused for a minute but once he realized what happened the started giggling.

"Shut up," you told him. He glanced behind you, out the windshield of the car, and his face started to turn red.

"What's wrong?" You asked and turned, only to be met with a dozen crew members, including Jensen, Jared, and ,most importantly, Misha. Your face turned the same color as Alex's and you put your head into his neck.

"This is gonna be interesting," Alex said while laughing. He gently pushed you back into your seat, where you were covering your face with your hands.

"Hey," he said as you looked at him. "The only way we're gonna make it out of this alive is if you aren't embarrassed and we just go along with it. Okay?" Alex smiled at you and you rolled your eyes and nodded.

He exited the car and you could immediately hear the whooping sounds of the crew cheering. You stepped out and the cheering got even louder. You laughed and looked at Alex as he got high fives from all the guys.

"Hey Alex!" yelled Jared. Alex looked at him and waited for what he had to say. "Can I have what she had?" The whole crew, including you and Alex started laughing again. You walked towards Alex but you had to waddle just a tiny bit because your thighs hurt, courtesy of Alex. You tried to hide it but everyone knew once you started walking. You went up behind Alex and tucked yourself into his side.

"So I'm guessing the two of you are a little bit more than friendly now?" Jensen jokingly asked.

"Eh just a little bit more then friends. A tiny bit," you said and chuckled. "Well, it was nice entertaining y'all but, I'm fucking tired. So, see you tomorrow," you waved and started walking to your trailer with Alex in tow.

"Babe? You need any help walking?" Alex cracked a smile and you turned to look at him.

"Yes I do. This is your fault," you pointed to him. He caught up to you and picked you up and started walking again.

"So its all my fault that you're just one sexy motherfucking piece of ass?" He raised his eyebrows at you. You decided to joke around with him.

"All I am is just a piece of ass to you? All you care about is fucking me? Is that all I am?" You made your eyes water and you watched as Alex immediately took back his words.

"I-I didn't... I-I swear..." he started to stutter and the look on his face was priceless. You smiled and laughed.

"I'm just kidding with you Alex. I know you're not just here for the sex," you pushed the hair behind his ears as he sighed in relief.

"You're starting to be more and more like Jared you know that?" You smiled and Alex set you down once you got to your trailer. You started walking up the steps but he didn't follow you.

"You're not coming in?" You asked quietly.

"You want me to? I wasn't sure if you wanted me to leave you alone or not," he blushed and looked at his feet.

"Alex you just gave me the best sex I've ever had in my life, of course you can come in," you joked and opened the door and pulled him in. You walked to your room and started taking your clothes off since they were wet.

"God damnit Y/N. Do you really have to do this right in front of me? You know how I get," you turned towards him and smirked since your bra was off and he had a perfect view. Once his eyes met your breasts he immediately shut up.

"Sorry. I'm used to being alone all the time," you continued to undress and bent over to get clothes from a dresser. You saw Alex take a deep breath and look up towards the sky. You giggled and put clothes on. "Better now?" You asked.

"No because you're still so perfect baby and I just love touching every single part of you," Alex exclaimed and put his hands on your hips. He called you baby again. You liked it.

"I would love to do that again babe but I'm actually really tired and sore," you played with his hair and he chuckled.

"Sorry about that," he blushed and smiled. "Let's go to bed," he started taking his shirt and pants off as you laid down on your bed. Once he laid down next to you, you finally felt whole again.

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