The Elevator incident

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Shu's pov

Its been a week since the wedding and today lui and my new mom moved in to our apartment , I think my dad noticed that me and lui were avoiding each other so he said that he and my new mom will be gone for the day and told me and lui to stay in the apartment since its supposed to rain today, and then they left me alone with lui.

Lui was on the couch on his phone ,so I sat down at the other end of the couch and watched tv.

After 20 minutes of pure silence ,lui get up from the couch ,heads to the door and starts putting on his coat.

"Where are you going?" I ask him "Dad said not to leave the apartment"

"You think I care " he says "he's your father not mine so go ahead and stay here if you want im leaving" But before he could walk out of the door I stop him.

"Look I never wanted to be your brother in the first place but theirs nothing we can do now , so now my dad is your dad and now you have to listen to him." I tell him.

" Well then Daddy's boy why dont we settle this." lui takes out luinor."lets battle" he says with a evil smile.

"This is my chance to get revenge on him."  I thought "your on" I say"Their are some stadiums in the apartment's storage room."

"Well then lets go" he says "the faster we get their the faster i can crush you!" 

We go through the door and walk to the lobby but i feel like im forgetting somthing ,once we make it to the lobby lui presses the button for the elevator and then i remember...

"uhhh y-you can take the elevator,i'll take the stairs." I tell him as i head towards the stairs.

"Whats the matter ,you scared of the elevator shu?" Lui taunts as he holds the elevator open.

"No..i just...." "Think of an excuse."  I thought " ...Elevators are to slow for me ." i finally answer.

"If you're not scared then prove it ." He says with a smirk "Get in"

"Fine " I say acting like myself ,once the elevator starts moving i tightly hold the handle bar ,i looked calm on the outside but inside i was freaking out " I wish i said no then i wouldnt be in this death trap!!...are the walls closing in cause it feels like the wal-"  

but before i could finish my thoughts ,the power went out in the elevator and it stop moving ,along with my body.


Lui's pov

Great the elevator stopped and I cant see a thing , must have been the storm , so now were stuck." Shu 's been kinda quiet, wait isn't he scared of elevators or something?" I thought as I heard no noise except my own.

"Shu?" I asked coldly even though im a little worried.

no response

"Shu?"This time I search around the elevator until I feel Shu ,but somethings off ,he feels cold and he's not moving ,Then I remember that my phone has a flashlight , I quickly turned it on and shined it on Shu and what I saw was shocking.

Shu was frozen , he didn't move an inch ,his skin was cold and pale and he had the look of pure shock on his face.

"Shu!" I yell ,I tried for help outside the elevator but no one answered and I couldn't call anyone  on my phone cause it wasn't hooked up yet.

" What am I gonna do?"  I thought ,then I remember something....


2 weeks ago

"Hey guys, for some reason I'm gonna tell you how to treat shock..." Kyo said as Me, Gabe and Shiniki look at him like he's insane.

*end of flashback*

"For once he said somthing useful."  I thought "Okay so I have to sit him down before he falls."  Once I sat him down ,I checked his breathing, luckily he was, okay now I just need to calm him do I calm him down?, just then  the lights came back on but we still weren't moving.

"Shu, uhhh its okay?" I said trying to calm him down, it didn't seem to I start to rub his back in hope that he'll calm down , I rubbed his back for a couple of minutes while I looked around the elevator to find away out, until I heard.


"Shu!" I turn around to see Shu looking at me worriedly, he seemed scared.


Shu's pov 

All I see is darkness even though my eyes are open ,next thing I know I feel someone rubbing my back, at first I didn't know who,then all these memories come flowing back, so then its probably Lui.

"L- lui?" I ask a little frightened but then quickly am at ease when I see its Lui.

"Shu!" He yells looking relived "Are you okay?"

"um I guess ,I mean im a little scared but im fine now, the real question is are you okay?" I ask him.

"What do you mean ,your the one who turned into a statue" He says .

"I mean why are you acting so caring , you never care about anything." I ask, as soon as I ask that question his face turns red.

"I wasn't acting caring" He said coldly" I only helped you because I would get in trouble if I didn't ."

"mmhm yep I totally belive you " I say mischeviously "But whatever the reason I guess thank you."

"pfft whatever" He said acting like he didn't care, just then a  voice came from outside.

"HELLO, IS ANYONE IN THEIR?!" A man's voice was coming from outside.

"HI CAN YOU GET US OUT OF HERE?!"Me and lui yell surprisingly in unison.

"DONT WORRY ,YOU'LL BE OUT IN A COUPLE MINUTES!" He said as he called other people over to help.

*30 minute timeskip*

Finally the doors are open and were free.

"uhh lui what time is it? " I ask.

"um 8:58 why?" he ask.

"We need to get back the apartment before mom and dad get home!!" I yell 

"Quick up the stairs!"

We run up the stairs as fast as we can and after 2 minutes of running we get home, just  before mom and  dad get home a minute later.

"Hey kids ,how was your day?" Mom asks

"Fine I guess" I say.

"Are you okay ,you two are sweating?" Dad asks.

"We were training all day and just came up a minute ago" lui said 

" Okay well its getting late you two get ready for bed you have school in the morning"mom said

"kay " we said as we went to our room.

"were not telling them right?" I ask lui

"No, shu we are not telling them that we had a fight, went to go battle ,got stuck in an elevator ,you went into shock ,raced up the stairs and lied to their face." He said annoyed.

"Like they would actually belive that anyway" 

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