Toddler Part 1, Toddler Lui.

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(I got this idea from a miraculous comic)(No one knows their brothers in this oneshot)

Shu' s pov

I woke up to someone screaming, the voice was high pitched and somewhat familiar, Mom and Dad alredy left for work, that means the only person who could've screamed is..

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The scream came from the washroom, I quickly ran to the washroom and opened the door to reveal a shocking sight, A mini version of Lui was right in front of me.

"I'M A BABY!!" He says adorably, I fall to the ground laughing.

"Shu, stop waughing." He pouts.

"Awwww your so tiny and adorable." I say as I crouch down to his level, he looked about 2 or 3 years old.

"Fix me!!" he yells.

"I didn't do this." I tell him, I poke him just to see if this is a prank, nope he's real.

"Who did this to you?" I ask him.

"How should I know?!" He says "Awl I remember is waking up, going to the washroom and find myswelf wooking wike this." I Awe again, I cant help it, he's so cute when he pouts.

"STOP AWWING!" he yells.

"I cant help it, I mean look at yourself." I say.

"What do you think ive been doing?" He snaps, we walk out of the washroom and head to the kitchen.

"Well we cant find out whats wrong with you on an empty stomach, are you hungry?" I ask Lui.

"sure." he says as he goes into the kitchen and tries to jump and reach the counter, but fails.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"What does it wook wike I'm doing?" He says as he starts to stack pots on top of each other to reach the counter, but they fall to the ground.

"Making a mess, go sit down, ill make you something." I said as I push him out of the kitchen.

"Fine, ill be in our room searching up cases of people turning into babies." He said as he walks away, leaving me confused, Does he actually think hell find he's gonna find the answer on the internet, I mean it doesn't have the answer for everything.

*5 Minutes later*

"I found something!!" I hear Lui yell from our room as I was setting the pancakes on the table.

"Wait you actually found something?" I say surprised, he comes out of my room and sits on the booster seat I put on the chair since he's short.

"Well sorta, I found out that whoever turned me into a baby had to it out of wevenge and had to touch me to do it, and obviously had to be magical."

"Wait theirs a website on the internet about people turning into babies?" I said shocked "The internet really does have an answer for everything."

"Now I just have to find this person, twell them to lift the spell and ill be back to normal." Lui said as he took a bit of his pancakes.

"Okay so what happened yesterday, who did you meet?" I ask.

"Well a wot of people challenge me to battle yesterday, of course I cwushed them but none of them touched me... wait I wemember now, their was this girl who bumped into to yesterday, I welled at her and she said somthing about me being too mean this way and weft!" Lui said as he got up and ran to our room, he came out with a pencil, paper and crayons.

"What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

"Dwawing the girl before I forget, duh." After 5 minutes he finished, as you expect it looked like the drawing of 2 year old, it was a stick girl with black hair, red t- shirt and blue jeans, she had blue eyes and her foot was stepping on something.

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