Toddler Part 2, Toddler Shu

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Lui' s pov

I get up with a gasp, I had a really weird dream about me turning into a baby, I look down to see that I'm still in my regular clothes, weird, I look over to Shu' s side of the room only to find him absent, I get up and walk out of my room only to be shocked at the site of my parents, who were typing rapidly on computers with big bags under their eyes.

"Mom, what's going on?" I ask curiously, She looks at me shocked, then runs and hugs me, leaving me confused, Dad soon joins in.

"Lui, youre awake!" She exclaims, ok now I'm just plain worried.

"Yeah, thats how sleeping works." I say backing away a little, Theyre freaking me out.

"Uh Sweetie, you weren't sleeping." She said to my shock, She looks at me sadly." Why dont we sit down?"

I follow her to the couch as she motions me to sit down.

"Lui, you've been unconscious for three days." Dad said softly.

"Ive been, WHAT?!" I said shocked. "How did that happen?!"

They look at each other, than at me. " We were hoping you could tell us, some teenagers from your school found you unconscious just outside the woods, they took you to the hospital, they then called us, the doctor said you were completely fine, and that you would wake up in a couple days." Mom said.

"Well I dont remember anything." I tell them, they look at me with disappointment in their eyes. "Wait, where was Shu when all this happened?" I ask.

"We.. we were hoping you could tell us that too." Dad said. "Lui...Shu 's missing."

"What?!" I exclaim, even more shocked than I was before, tears forming in my eyes, but I hold them back.

"We sent out search parties, but every single one of them came up empty." They say sadly, We all stay silent for a moment before I get up, and head to the door.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked me curiously.

"To search for Shu, do you honestly expect random idiots to find him?" I said before exiting the apartment, this was going to be a long day.

* 5 hours later*

"Five hours!" I thought exhaustedly. "Ive searched for five hours and nothing, not even a single clue!"

Right now I'm searching the only place in town I didn't look: The forest, I literally searched everywhere except the forest, heck, I even visited The Aoi family bakery, where I heard Valt sobbing coming from the living room and that rich brat kid comforting him, I cant belive I'm saying this but I kinda feel bad for the ki-

"The wheels on the bus goes round and round, round and round, round and round." My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of a small child, it was coming from an opened area in the forest, I walk to the area to find a little boy sitting in the opposite direction of me and drawing with a stick, He was wearing a red sweater vest with black shorts, his hair was white like Shu 's, weird.

He then turns his head around to reveal two big crimson eyes. "Wait.. he kind of looks like..."

"Shu?!" I yell shocked, he looks at me curiously.

"How you know my name?" He asks me, then everything goes black.

*15 Minutes later*

I wake up with a terrible headache as I open my eyes, my vision is blurry as it adjusts to the light.

"Ugh what happened?" I ask myself, I jump up when I get an answer.

"You had a nap!" Shu said cheerfully, I look at him for a while.

"Shu?" I ask surprised, his eyes widen with excitement.

"Are you an elf?" he asks jumping up and down. "I love elf's!"

"I'm not an elf, its me Lui, youre brother." I tell him, suddenly that dream I had came back to me. "This is like the dream I had last night."

"And sorry mister but I dont have a brother, I dont wemember anything." Shu said. "Well except fo waking up here thwee days ago and meeting this nice girl who gave me food, and now I met you."

"Wait hang on, What if my dream was real?.. it is a possibility considering Shu's a baby, but then that would mean the girl whos been feeding Shu is the.."

"Witch." The witch comes out of nowhere."Hello again." 

I growl. "You, turn him back!" I demand, I look at Shu, who was sitting on the ground looking at us.

"Why, I'm not done having fun, besides, he's adorable like this." She said slyly, I growl again, she then disappears into thin air.

"Byee" Shu shouts.

"Great what do we do now?" I say as I sit on the log, Shu comes and sits beside me.

"Excuse me mister, do you have anything to eat, I'm kind of hungry." Shu asks me, I hear his stomach grumble, then mine.

"No, sorry Shu." I then remember that Valt knows Shu's my brother."But I know where to get some, come on." 

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