The Ubliet

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Kaka came to a dead end.

"Oops." Kaka said and turned back the way they came. He looked down at the mark he had drawn and saw that it was pointing a different direction. "Someone's been changing my marks." The saiyan boy said. "It's not fare!!"He yelled, throwing the chalk to the ground.

"That's right, It's not FARE." A voice called out behind Kaka Then four voices began to laugh at what the first had said. "But that's only half of it!"

Kaka shot up and turned to the voices. Two sets of guards were standing in front of two doors. One set had on black and red armor, while the other two had blue and white armor. Kaka walked up to the red and black soldiers. "But, this was a dead end a minute ago." he said.

"Nope; that's the dead end behind you!" A blue and white guard said. He was old, and had a beard. A large turtle shell sat on his back.

The saiyan boy looked behind him and saw a dead end. "The walls keep switching on me! What the hell am I supossed to do?!"

"Well the only way out of here is to try one of the doors behind us." One red and black guard said. He was tall and bald, and had a third eye on his fourhead.

"One leads to the castle at the center of the labyrinth, and the other one leads to surtain death!!" The other red and black guard said. He had a scar across his eye and long, black hair.

"Which one's which?" Kaka asked.

"We can't tell you." a red and black guard said.

"Why not?" Kaka asked.

The two red guards stared at each other then began to whisper about something. "We don't know." The female guard said. She had blonde hair and a red bandana tied in a bow. "But they do." The two guards looked at the two others next to them.

"Oh. We'll just ask them, then." Kaka said nonchalantly.

"You can't ask us." said the old man. "You can only ask one of us, it's in the rules. But I must warn you; one of us tells the truth, and one of us always lies. Here's a hint, always lies," the old guard said as he tilted his head toward his younger partner.

"I do not! I tell the truth!" He protested.

"Oh, what a lie!" The two guards began to argue with each other while the red and black guards laughed at them.

Kaka walked over to the older blue guard. "Alright, answer yes or no," He said. "Would he say that this door leads to the castle?" He pointed at the other guard.

"Um. . . . Yes. . ." The guard said.

"Then. . . this other door leads to the castle, and this door leads to surtain death." Kaka said.

"Well how do you know?" The guard asked sarcastically. "He could be telling the truth."

"But then you wouldn't be. So if you told me that he said yes, I'd know the answer is really no." Kaka explained.

"But I could be telling the truth!" The old guard said.

"Then he would be lying, so if you told me the answer was yes, I'd know the answer would still be no," Kaka said.

"Wait a minute." The guard said. "Is that right?" He asked the red and black guards.

"I dun'no! I never understood it!" The girl said and they all laughed.

"No, it's right! I know it is!" Kaka said. the blue and white guards stepped out of the way so Kaka could walk through. He pushed the door open and took a step inside. "I think I'm better at this!" He took another step and fell through the floor.

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