Unexpected Ending

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Kaka rushed through the low branches and tall grasses, until he came to what looked like the true entrance back into the labyrinth.

The boy walked for what seemed like hours until they came to a dead end with two doors. Each door had an odd creature's head with a ring either in its mouth or hanging from it's ears. "Woah. . . Ugly," Kaka said after setting the cub down. "Which door should I choose?" Kaka stared at the one with the ring in its ears. He tilted his head to the side.

"It's very rude to stare!" The knocker yelled.

"Oh, uhmm. . . I'm sorry," Kaka said shocked.

"What?!" The knocker yelled.

The other knocker with the ring in its mouth mumbled something, but Kaka could make it out. "What? Hold on, let me get that out of your mouth." He walked toward the knocker and pulled the ring from its mouth. The knocker stretched his jaw.

"Awww . . . It is so good to get that thing out of my mouth!" The knocker said.

"What were you saying?" Kaka asked.

"I said, there's no good talking to him. He's as deaph as a post!"

"Mumble, mumble, mumble! You're a wonderful conversational companion!" The deaph knocker complained.

"You can talk, but all you do is moan!"

"No good," The deaph knocker said. "Can't hear you."

The other knocker sighed.

"Where do these doors lead?" Kaka asked.


"We're just the knockers, I don't know!" The knocker said

Kaka tried to push the door open, but it wouldn't move. "How can I get it to open?"

"Knock; and the door will open," The knocker said.

Kaka picked the ring up from the ground and tried to put it back into the creature mouth. "I wan'na knock!"

"No, I ain't putting that thing back in my mouth!" The knocker protested. He tightened his lips so that the ring would not go in.

Kaka gave off a cocky smile. He grabbed the knocker's nose so that he could not breath. The knocker tried to hold his breath for as long as he could, but he couldn't hold it any longer. He opened his mouth to breath, and in that second, Kaka shoved the ring back into its mouth ans knocked it against the door. "Sorry," he said to the knocker.

"Hats al- ight. I'm oosed ooh it," The knocker mumbled.

Kaka picked his baby sister back up and walked through the door. Past the door, was a swampy wilderness. Large trees and moss everywhere. Kaka looked around slowly as they walked. Sashra started to get scared and began to whimper. Kaka rocked her in his arms. "No, no Sashra. Shhhh. It's okay, don't be scared," Kaka whispered to her. He held the baby close and cradled her head under his chin. Sashra drifted off instantly.

. . . .

Back at the castle, servants, and soldiers were bustling around, making noise and having a good time. Vegeta was back in his throne. Silent as aservant polished his boots on the floor. Vegeta was mad, he was irritated, but mostly he was sad. All Vegeta wanted was to make Kaka fall in love with him; but all he did was drive him away.

". . . . . I'm going after him." He decided. Everyone fell silent and look up at the prince, who was now standing up. He walked out of the room and down the stairs to the main entrance. He pulled his jacket over his shoulders and fixed it into place before walking out the door and Launching himself into the air. In a flash he was gone.

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