Thanks for tuning in (I'm still a piece of garbaaaadge)
Ha (Author: ur not funny...)
Anyways so this is just a book, the description basically says it all and I hope I can be a voice for certain people in the community❤️! Remember whatever you're feeling is valid and normal and it's totally okay. This is a safe space also to ask any questions u may have or advice u need!Much Love,
Twig (for right now(more on that later))Being gender fluid issue #1
When u just figured out that ur genderfluid and ur like deciding if maybe u wanna have different names for ur different gender days, so basically ur trying to name yourself and u have an external crisis because ur like "what if I pick a name, then tell people, and then I change my mind about my name?" What happens when/if I change throughout the day? Am I suppose to be like 'Oh hey Suzzie so u know how 20 minutes ago I was T O M M Y? Well now (at least for the time being) I'm Samantha okay cool? Cool"Fun fun times :p
Genderfluid/Pansexual/Depression problems<3
OverigBasically a book where I talk about my struggles as a youth member of the LGBTQA+ community and discuss the problems of the underrepresented parts of the community. Enjoy💛!