Till death do us part.

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I heard church bells ringing

She was a vision of beauty her white gown flowing behind her like water in calm stream
His eyes, held so much love as he looked at her as nothing in else in the room matter
They were in love

I heard a choir singing
I saw my love walk down the aisle

  She walked slowly down the aisle
Nothing in the world matter but the love of her life
He couldn't breathe as he saw her, she was a vision of beauty, she looked liked a angel,
His eyes began to water as saw her

On her finger he placed a ring
Oh I saw them holding hands she was standing there with my man

It was suppose to be, we were suppose to be happy
He promised
His eyes use to twinkle when he looked at me
Now those blue eyes look at her like he once did me
He said he loved me
We held hands and he promise me his heart,
That they would be not other

I heard them promise till death do us part, each word was a pain in my heart

I couldn't breath
I couldn't stop the tears
He whispered a quiet I love you as he promised her I do.
She smiled as she promised him to take care of his heart
The heart he gave me,
The heart he promise me.

I was losing the man that I loved and all I can do was cry.

"I now pronounce you man and wife"
No one heard the clicking of the heals on the tile as I walk out the church
I saw my ride park at the end of the block.
"Are you okay mam?"
A shooked my head a quick yes as I saw them come out the church as they throw the rice over there head, I grab my keys muttering a quick thank you as I drove away.
He was gone
" I love you forever "
"Pinky promise?"
"I pinky promise"

I felt numb
I couldn't see through the tears that now cloud my vision
I didn't flinch as I ran the red light in full speed and the truck slammed into my side of my car.

It was over.

And now the wedding Is over, the rice have been thrown over there head
For them life has just begun but mind was ending.


"Sir? Sir?"
I glanced up at the doctor blinking my eyes as I looked at the man in front of me his voice held a huge sadness but his eyes held out before he speak.
"May I ask you relation with thr patient ?"
"She's my best friend but I'm her only family, the rest are dead"
His eyes held understanding before he began to speak
"I'm sorry there was nothing I can do, she would have survived the car crash but she seem to succumb to heart attack before the truck made impact with her.
She was in perfect health we still can't explain the heart attack
I'm sorry for your lost"

I shooked my head refusing to believe it, It was my wedding day the happiest day of my life and I lost my bestfreind
She was gone

All I can do was cry

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