Every breath I breathe.

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Not edited because fuck that

" He was flirting with you AND YOU DID NOTHING"
The boy was livid,
He was pissed that posh British dick was flirting with her and she did not a thing but laugh at that dumb joke that wasn't even funny

The girl was just as pissed
How dare he accuse her of flirting
She was being nice to HIS  friends like he ask and he said she was flirting?
"You can kiss my ass"
She grab her keys slamming the door on her way out glaring at the nosey old woman that pretend to water her flowers.
Nosey bitch.

She left, the slamming door seem to echo through the walls of the house as well as the empty hallways of his heart
He couldn't breathe
Like the door slamming shut was a slap to his face.
He froze as realization hit him
He loved her
Not at the happy times when they sat cuddle up in the couch as he scrunch up her nose at her snack

"How can you eat that?" The blue eyes boy starred at the box of popcorn as if it had personally offend him
The green eye girl rolled her eyes at his childish antics flipping her dark brown hair over her shoulders she replied
"Because it delicious, you should try it it's like a surpriseyou taste the sweet Skittles as well as the salty popcorn. Try it "
The blue eye boy reach out grabbing a handful of the disgusting combination knowing he was going to hate it
As soon as the combo hit his taste buds he made a dramatic face spitting the food into plastic bag on the table
The girl once again rolled her eyes at the boy scrunching her nose as he spit into the bag, ewww.
The boy knew he would hate the  combination but he tried it because she asked
he would do anything for her

He stand in the hallway of the empty house staring at the blueish door that paint was slowly chipping away
He was frozen as he realized that he love her not for the good moments
But for the sound of slamming doors and early morning screaming,
He loved her for the fights were she would curse like a sailor.

"How, just how the fuck did you set the fucking toaster on fire"
She glared at the boy that had destroyed her new fucking toaster, her voice was 10 times more calm than she actually was.
She didn't know what came over her as she started to throw everything that was near her towards the blonde head boy , he broke her toaster and was screaming at her, oh hell no.
The boy dodge the loaf of bread that came for his head, he barely dodge the glass that came flying soon after the bread, he froze
"You crazy bitch..." he trailed of at he look at her in amazement, she just threw a fucking glass at him
He stand there breathing heavly  both of their chest heaving as they look at each other
They both couldnt stop the laughter that over took them
If any one had saw the scene they would be send to the deepest cell in a mental institution throwing away the key.
They ate breakfast on the kitchen floor
Laughing and whispering sweet nothing's to each other they were content.
The boy glanced at the clock moving, he knew where she was, he had to find her, he had to tell her.

The girl was livid as she slammed her car door.
She walk into the 2 story white house hearing laughter she walk straight to the back.
She let a pleased smile sit on her face as she saw most of her family member's gather around the pool
She walk to her parents that sat at the end of the pool
Her mother eyes crinkle slightly at the sides on her flawless skin the only markings being lines of laughter.
"Finally-" the woman let out as she saw her daughter "where's your lover boy " she ask voice filled with curiosity. The green eye girl gave what she believed to be a gentle smile as she looked at her parents "something came up" 
The mother narrowed her eyes in a accusing manner, she could read her daughter like a open book, seeing that her daughter didn't want to talk around all her friends and family members that pretended that they weren't listening she sighed giving a nod to green eye girl not before giving her a looked that said that this conversation was not over
" Well everyone is here, get something to drink, cousin Mary and Alex made it" the girl gave a robotic nod ignoring the look her mother gave her
Her green eyes scan over the crowd of people in her childhood back yard looking for her favorite cousins  Mary and Alex
They were twins that were always filled with happiness and positive thoughts,  well when there not talking about school, they were actually what she needed right now.
But as she scanned the crowd for her favorite cousins she froze as she saw a familiar blue eyes come bubbling towards her,
She couldnt move, he wouldn't start a argument here right?
Not in front of her friends and family?
The slightly jogging figure came to a halt as he stand before her.
She was surprised as he knelt infornt of her on both knees.
"If your proposing your doing it wrong" her sarcastic yet oddly amused voice floated around the backyard that slowly went silent, they all curiously looked at the kneeling blue eye boy on the floor in front of the green eye girl
His tall figure seeming to reach at her chest even as he knelt on both knees
"I'm not proposing, you are going to marry me " the girl rose her eyebrows as she looked down at boy knelt before her almost daring him to repeat himself
Ignore the look the girl gave him he continue speaking before she had a chance to response
"This a promise, a favor if you wish,
I won't ask you to take my heart because you already have my heart and you may do as you please with it, rip it, break it, it yours.
Because men grow old and hearts grow cold.
This is a promise that when I grow old and no longer have a heart,
I promise you my breath,
I promise that I am yours and you are mine with every breath in me.
Because I love you
Love our all nights conversation
Our 3 days argument where we both never really apologies because we both think we're right.
I promise you that like the mountains bow to no one but the sky,

I belong to no one but you.
A promise that for as long my soul last that I will love you in this life and the next
And I'm not asking you to marry because your going to marry me-" the blue eye boy made a slight pause
letting her know that it was non negotiable
"I'm asking you to be mines as I am yours, to be mines when my heart grows cold and barely beat. To when you hate me like you hate no other
To when we argue to a point that you want to kill me-" he let out a chuckle knowing his spit ball of a love is very capable of killing him and blink those preety green eyes and getting away with it "- that you never make me forget how to love, that you remind me how to breathe"
The green eye girl was speechless because she knew no matter he did in this world and the next she would be there for him, he was her brother(metaphorically (is that a word like there not really related)), lover and best friend.
She let out breathless laugh shaking a quiet yes "we suck at love " she whispered to the blue eye boy as the group of people laugh and clapped  loudly around them.
He chuckle lightly as he heard her whisper I love you
"With every breath I breathe"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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