Seoul School of Performing Arts

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I woke up to the sound of my loud alarm clock. Today was the day. The day my hopes and dreams would come true. The day I start Seoul School of Performing Arts. 

I got up from my bed and looked in the mirror. I was a mess. I grabbed my stuff and went to take a shower. After I got out I threw on the outfit I had picked.

(Pick which one you like best and fits you best. I like giving people options lmao. I'd pick the middle)

(I don't know if I have any male readers, but if so please let me know so I can start putting male clothing as well)

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(I don't know if I have any male readers, but if so please let me know so I can start putting male clothing as well)

This was it. The moment I have been planning for years... I was finally here... Seoul School of Performing Arts. I had worked so hard to get a scholarship here. I had literally used all of my blood, sweat, and tears for this. 

I had my bookbag over my shoulder and I took one last deep breath and walked in the door. You could hear students shouting all over the place. It looked like an ordinary school but I knew it was different. I had heard about so many famous idols who had come here.

That's what I want to be. An Idol. Famous. Most people don't like all the attention, but to be honest I sure do. Before I could even speak I loved music. I would dance along to all of the cartoons I had watched. My passion has always been music. I love to sing and dance. Occasionally I play an instrument. 

I pulled my printed schedule out of my bag. It was slightly crumpled up, but I could still read it. My first period was dance. Great, I'll be all sweaty for my next class. I looked for the room number. 

Suddenly a girl around my age walked up to me. "Hello! I'm Jazzy! Are you looking for the dance class?" I could already tell she was an optimistic person. "Um... I'm (Y/n)... and yeah... do you know where it is?" I asked shyly. "Of course, it's my first period as well. Follow me!" she skipped down the hallway. I had to practically run to keep up with her. 

We stopped in front of a door and she went inside. I hesitantly walked inside, and she already found a spot on the floor and started stretching. The teacher looked at me and smiled. She looked probably around her mid-thirties, but still very pretty. 

"You must be (Y/n)?" she asked kindly. "Yeah..." I shyly smiled. (Is it just me or am I sounding lesbian right now...) "Do you dance?" she asked. "Yeah! I love dancing!" I laughed slightly. "Do you mind showing the class what you can do? Or do you not know any routines?" she asked of curiosity. "Uh... I know a few... Can you play River by Bishop?" I asked. It was a routine I learned about a year ago. I was pretty good at it if I do say so myself. She nodded and turned on the music.

(Just picture yourself doing this dance)

When I was halfway through the dance, two boys walked in. They were obviously late. I continued the dance and I could see them both watching me in amazement. I'm not THAT good... I finally got to the end of the dance and all of the class erupted in applause. "That was very good (y/n) I'm sorry these two interrupted you. Jimin, Jungkook, both of you detention after school," she said pointing to the two boys. If I wasn't mistaken the one with the dark hair and eyes was Jungkook. 

The other was Jimin

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The other was Jimin. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. 

I can't lie they're both quite attractive

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I can't lie they're both quite attractive. The two's personalities were very different though. Jungkook had a small smirk on his face while Jimin had on a cute mochi smile. But both of them disappeared when they heard "detention". 

"But-" they both were cut off by the teacher pointing to me. "Is this a good example for our new student?" they both sighed in defeat.

They both sat down and started to stretch, and so did I. On the opposite side of the room. I didn't want to socialize with two troublemakers. Class went on and then the bell rang. It was time for the second period.

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