Chapter 2: blood and frost

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The cool wind blew against justins face. The hard ground underneath clicked when he stepped on it. The pine trees in the forest were covered with light frost. He looked up to see that Amy and Marvin were already close to the top of the hill. "guys id appreciate if you guys gave me a minute!" he shouted up at them. "you should hurry up" amy shouted back. Justin chuckled. And sprinted up the hill to close the distance. He tripped over a small bundle of barbed wire. They laughed at him. His pants and boots were slightly scraped agains it, his gloves were thick enough to grab it and untangle his boot. He stood up quickly and walked over to them. " where are we?" Marvin shrugged and reached into his backpacks pocket. He pulled out a neatly folded map. He looked at it and then pointed at a remote area near the top of the map. " i think were here." Amy and Justin nodded and Marvin foled the map. Justin looked around at his surroundings. There wasnt much, just miles of forest. He loved the way the sounds of the forest were carried by the wind. They were in the north of norway, a comfortable distance from germany, which was good, they didnt freel like getting shot. He always went out on these himes with his friends. They had known each other since they were children. Justin was never popular at school. He acted different than everyone and people frowned upon him for that. What type of world did they live in where someone was thought to be wierd for liking different things? Marvin pointed to the very top of the hill. "well camp out there tonight. Lets hope we dont get eaten by bears" the group laughed. Amy reached back with her hands and flicked her red hair out of her jacket. They continued their march up the hill. Amy was carrying the tent, and marvin was carrying the supplies. Justin had an old hunting rifle slung over his shoulder. It wasnt the best thing around, but it helped him while he was out hunting deer and elk. They walked for a few minutes before reaching the top of the hill. When they reached the top there was a large clearing. In the distance there was mountains. The sky was completely. Clear of all clouds.tonight would be a full lunar eclipse. But his wouldnt be a regular one. This only happened every thousand years. The moon would completely cover the sun. And the sky would become like space. Dotted with stars and aurora borealis patterns. That was the purpose of their visit. He looked at his comrades as marven unpacked the supplies and amy opened the tent bag. Marvin was a large man. He was six foot 6 with large arms and the strength of an ox. Despite these frightening physical traits, he was so gentle he wouldnt hurt a fly. Amy was a slender, 21 year old, very mature british woman. She had long curled red hair. Justin was nothing special. He was skinny, not very tall, and wore slightly nerdy glasses. Out in the distance he noticed a huge plume of smoke rising into the sky. He looked at it puzzled. Probably just a forest fire. "hey guys." Amy and Margin looked at him. He pointed into the distance at the smoke. Marvin made a dismissive gesture. "probably just someone having a campfire. Justin was about to join in with the setting up of the camp when there was suddenl a scream in the direction of the plume of smoke. The hair on justin stood up. "what the hell was that?" amy said. Marvin shook his head. "i dont know. Maybe they-" he was cut off as he saw someone climbing the hill behind them. They looked very badly injured, the mans side had a large hole in it. He was holding his arm over the hole to keep his guts in. "holy shit" Amy gasped. The man was wearing what appeared to be a damaged bloody military unifoorm. As he approached he slowed down and fell to his knees. The three of them ran over to the soldier and helped him stay steady. Justin looked the spoldier in the face. " what happened to you?" the soldier sputtered almost incomprehensive german. "Sie töteten jeden" the man sputtered. Just then they noticed the red arm band. The soldier then coughed and vommited up almost a bucket of blood. He then fell limp in their arms. Amy and marvin let go of him and he fell forward intk the dirt. A small pool of blood slowly began forming around him. justin looked at his companions, both their faces were pale. "jesus christ." Marvin said quietely. justin unslung his rifle. marvin shook his head. "oh no, theres no way im going out looking for the rest of them." justin looked to Amy. she also shook her head. justin gave them a disgusted look. "i know theyre evil but we should find the rest of them." marvin rubbed his chin. "i suppose, but how do we know we wont end up like that?" he pointed to the dead nazi. We wont, whatever killed him is probably gone." marvin didnt like the plan, it seemed far too dangerous. Amy spoke up, " i personally think we should investigate, we need to know what did this." justin looked at marvin with a "told you so" look on his face. He shook his head. " alright but im not happy about it." he reached into the pack and pulled ou a small hatchet. He clipped the small ring at the end of the wood handle to a piece of chain on his pants. " alright, lets go." justin nodded. He reached into his bag and pulled out a clip of shots. He pulled the slide back pushed the clip in and slid the slide forward. They started walking towards the direction where the soldier had come from. As they walked farther and farther away from the dead man, his eyes snapped open, now shining a bright yellow.

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