Chapter 4: beyond the gates.

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Justin turned to the right and dashed along the wall. The rifle shook in his hands. He sprinted for a good hundred yards before finally making it to an opening. A massive gate stood in front of him. About 4 meters across and 3 stories tall. At the top of each side of the gate was a watchtower, which was empty. On the one on the right justin thought he could see a skeleton hanging off the railing. The plume of smoke was rising from inside this compound. Justins mind was racing and he couldnt think straight so he didnt notice one crucial feature, the gate was shut. He quickly turned to see Amy and Marvin with their weapons at the ready. He looked into the foliage, the movement and snarling was getting closer. From inside the bush he heard a long demonic howl, like the devil himself. A completely burnt man burst through the bush and ran at Marvin. The monster swipped fast and hard at him. Marvin moved backwards and side kicked him in the face. Cracking bone and making blood pour down his face. The monster swiped again. Marvin smashed the hatchet into the soldiers skull. It collapsed as 2 more emerged. Amy swung the large blade at both of the soldiers necks. It. Cut deep into both of them. They collapsed into the dirt, creating a low fountain or blood spurting from their necks. Justin heard another demonic howl as a much larger officer emerged. He raised the shaky rifle and fired. He heard the bullet impact wood. The officer continued movin forward, baring terrible teeth and exhaling clouds of air into the cold night. He cocked and fired again. This time the shot hit him in the chest, he fell backwards. He saw Amy cut down 2 more soldiers and marvin stomping visciouly on the face of a soldier while he chopped at approaching soldiers. Justin shot one soldier after the other as they emerged from the bush. Mavin and amy's jackets were covered in blood. There was a break in the combat, there was no more howling or snarling, just the sounds of the forest. Justin lowered his rifle and collapsed to his knees in the dirt. He pullled back the rifles slide just enough to see one last round chambered inside. He slid it forward and turned the weapon around so it was pointed underneath his chin. "Hey!" marvin yelled and tackled justin jnto the hard cold dirt. His head hit the ground as he felt the weapon get ripped out of his hands. He delt the weight of Marvins knees on his chest. " what the hell do you think your doing man?" justins head swayed all over, he couldnt keep his body under control. He felt marvin slap him, "answer me!" justin rolled mavin off him and stood up. He pointed at the body of a mutilated officer. " i was ending it, cant you tell, were dead!" marvin stood up and brushed himself off. Justin was boiling. " dont you get it?! It i kill myself now ill at least get my reward someplace else, but if i continue to live ill end up like that poor bastard!" he pointed at the mutilated soldier. The bodies around them smelt like theyd been dead for weeks or months. Some of the soldiers were horribly damaged, massie chunks of flesh torn from their sides, the skin on their faces gone. But others appeared to be simple crazed. They bore no scars of any previous damage aside from the demonic yellow eyes. His mind was racing, what had happened to these people? Why were they teying to kill them? How would they escape. He grabbed his hair and pulled, lettin out a frustrated and angry roar. From the bush he heard rustling, in seconds from under the brush he saw a grey skinned hand dragging its body out from under the bush. The soldier made gurgling noises from the air coarsing through a massive hole in its neck. As it dragged its body further out of the bush, Justin realized that the man had zero legs, only a bloody stump and a stick of bone protruding from it was left. It looked at justin with its horrible gaze, burning an image intk his mind he would never forget. It reached with its hand but it couldnt reach him. Justin snatched the rifle from Marvins hands. He crotched down right beside the poor soul. He felt a tear roll down his cheek as he looked into its yellow apotlight eyes. "what happened to you." he whispered and hepressed the barrel against the soldiers temple. It looked at him one last time, and in that lat moment, it looked too human for him. He looked away and squeezed the trigger. There was a bony crunch. He stood up and wiped the tear off his eye. His eyes were red. He looked at the gate. On the left side there was a panel, and a lever was attached. He walked towards it. He looked at it. The light above the lever was currently red. He grasped the cold metal lever in his left hand. He lifted it up with zero effort and there was several loud noises. The light turned solid green and the 2 huge gate soors began to slide aside. He heard Amy behind him. " what are you doing?!" she said, not caring about how much noise she made. He turned around and met her gaze. " finding ou what the hell is going on." as the doors finished opening he got his first look inside. There was a large courtyard, lined on the walls were axis supply transport trucks. There were several huge buildings. In each of thr buildings windows there were fires raging. Justin pulled back the rifles alide and looked in the chamber, empty. He lef the slide back and tossed the rifle into the facility. It hit he metal floor with a clang. He needed to fight to move as he stepped forward. He set foot in the facility. He heard his friends step in behind him. Justin carefully walked forward, followed by his companions. He walked forward at a noce slow pace, taking in every detail of the place. He saw a small structure behind a row of trucks. The door was open and the windows smashed. He walked towards it slowly. He could see a huge pool of blood inside from his vantage point. He slowly and quietly walked forward. As soon as he got near the door he thurmed to his right and peered inside. There were several filing cabinets, all either knocked over or standing upright. Against the wall witb the broken window was a large desk with 2 chairs. On it was a telegraph and many folders. On one of the chairs sat a man in a white labcoat, completely decapitated. Slumped forward onto the desk. His right arm was lating across the desk holding onto what appeared to be a gun. Justin stepped towards the desk, in his hand was an mp40, with a clip loaded. He reached out and tore it from the mans grip. His skin was cold and lifeless. As he was about to leave the building something caught his eye, a clipboard that was sitting on the desk in front of the decapitated man had a coloured swastika at the top and lots of writing in german. He looked at it the. Picked it up. He walked out of the building. Marvin and amy were standing guard in the middle of the courtyard. Magin smiled at the sight of he weapon. " ah finally something sith a bit of weight to it." justin dismissed him after handing Marvin the gun. He signaled amy over. He showed her the clipbOard. " what does this say?" she took it from him and looked at jt for several seconds. " commander Smit vershav. Your shipment of uranium is on schedule. I trust the project is coming along alright? Wouldnt want to takeover and use you as one of the guinea pigs would now would i? But the point is, we are losing much more troops in this project than we are saving, people talk, and i think command is losing its patience, you better come through. Amy looked at justin with a concerned face. Justin shook his head. " project? What were they talkig about? Were they making nukes?" but before they could think any further, there was a familiar sound of hissing and a gate sliding shut. The group looked at eah other than looked back at the gates. The gates were sliding shut extremely fast. "no!" amy screamed. They broke out into a run at the door, for a moment justin thought they were going to make it, but before they did, the doors sealed shut.

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