Jeon Jeongguk »» BTS // Rivals

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Another Jungkook imagine because I thought this fitted him well~

Another Jungkook imagine because I thought this fitted him well~

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* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Normal POV:

You and Jungkook have been rivals since you were kids. You hate him. A lot. You didn't know why you felt that way about him, but you did. He just seemed like those rich spoiled children. He felt the same way. He always bothered you, and you bothered him back.

Right now you are both highschoolers (I don't know if I wrote it right..). You really like playing (F/ST) (favorite sport); and of course, Jungkook really likes that sport as well. You both had some things in common but you didn't want to admit it.

You were already at school, waiting for your first period (CLASS; it's not what you think ladies.) to start. You sat down on your chair, as you stared at your books that were in front of you. "I want summer to start already" You whined. "That's all you do? whine?" Someone said and you recognized that voice. You turned around and saw Jungkook raising a brow at you. "Can you please mind your own business?" You snapped at him. "Feisty.." He said as he sat next to you. Yes, he was your partner.

He then threw his books on the desk. You flinched as you heard a loud thud. "Can you not?" You said and he shrugged. Then you felt Jungkook's arm touch yours. You turned around and saw him staring at you. "Can you move aside" He mumbled and you sighed. "I can't" , "What do you mean you can't?" He said as he folded his arms. "There's not a lot of space left, you ass." You said and he rolled his eyes.

"I wish I had my proper desk" You mumbled. "Me too, I don't want to be near you" He said and you snickered.

The class already started and you were staring at the board confused. You didn't understand this material (me all the way). "Okay, now that I explained it to you, go to page 30 and do the whole page" The teacher said and everyone groaned. Since you didn't know what to do, you raised your hand and waited for the teacher to see you. "Yes (Y/N)?" She asked and you sighed deeply. I hope she doesn't get mad You thought.

"Can you please explain again.. I don't understand a thing.." And that's when you lowered your head and waited for the teacher to scold you. "What's your problem (Y/N)? I just finished explaining this. It's your fault you didn't pay attention." She said and you heard Jungkook laugh at you. "Ask somebody else to explain this to you." She said as she walked to her desk. "I'm not going to help you at all, why are you so stupid (Y/N)?" Jungkook said as he shook his head. "Stop talking" You commanded him. "You don't tell me what to do, Melon head" He said and you frowned.

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME MELON HEAD?!" You shouted at Jungkook and he just laid there staring at you. Best way to make her triggered.. He thought as he smirked. "Miss (Y/N)!" The teacher called. She was sure getting annoyed. You stared at her with wide eyes and bowed slightly. "I'm sorry miss" You said as you sat down. "Great job, miss Melon head" He said as he patted your head and you glared at him.

It was already time to go home. But not you; you had to stay for your (F/ST) practice. You groaned as you went to the basketball court. "Well, well,well, look who's here." Jungkook said as he walked up to you as he clapped. "Miss Melon head" He said and you snickered. " I told you to stop calling me that.." "Tonto.." You mumbled. (Tonto: Spanish word for fool, stupid, idiot..) "Okay every one! Let's start this practice" The coach said and you nodded.

You were about to exit the Basketball court, since your practice already finished. But then you heard Jungkook shout at you. "Hey! Look out!" You turned around and saw a ball going to your way. You froze and didn't know what to do.

Then you felt the ball hit you right on your face. You fell back and sat with your knees on your chest. You held your head and hissed. "Ow, ow, ow" You said as you rocked back and forward. "(Y/N)!" Jungkook called once he was in front of you. He knelt down and cupped your cheeks. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" He said, and you motioned him to leave you alone. "But I-" You interrupted him. "Just go, I'm going to the nurses' office" You said and his stare softened. You stood up and turned around, completely ignoring Jungkook.

"Coach! Can I excuse myself for a moment?" You heard Jungkook shout and you rolled your eyes.
Minutes later you hear loud footsteps coming closer to you. "I told you I-" You said but he interrupted you. "I don't care what you say (Y/N). I will go with you. It was my fault anyways.." He said as he avoided eye contact. You sighed and kept walking.

"It looks like you're all right," The nurse said. "But if your head hurts a bit, please take this medicine" She said and you nodded, gulping it down. She bowed slightly and left you alone with Jungkook. He cleared his throat and you raised a brow. "Look (Y/N), I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I know I've always been mean to you ever since we were younger.. but I don't really know why.." He said and you grinned. "I- I'm sorry.. I feel terrible.." He said as he looked outside of the window next to you.

"I'm sorry too, I really am" You told him and he stared right at you and smiled.

He stood up and walked closer to you. He stared at you and you saw his eyes sparkle. "I don't know why, but I have a strange feeling." He said and you clearly know what he was talking about. "Like what?" You asked. "Like I'm falling in love with you"

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