Humanity's Comeback. . .part 4 Battle at Trost. . .part 1

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"Alright maggots see these ten comrades, they are the top ten of your class!"

10: Sasha Blouse
9: Connie Springer
8: Marco Bott
7: Jean Kirsteiny
6: Eren Yeager
5: Annie Leonheart
4: Bertlot Hoover
3: Reiner Bruan
2: Ammy Yeager
1: Mikasa Ackermen

In the mess hall

"Wait you want to join the scouts!? But you have the chance to live as an MP!" Ammy nodded her head "Yeah but ever since I was little and Eren told me about them I wanted to join them." Eren could feel Eren's anger starting to rise. 'Oh god not now.' "Okay then do you guys all want to live as cattle be eaten once the titans get though the walls!? I'm going to join the scouts so we can take back our world!" Ammy looked at Eren, watching as tears entered his eyes an he ran out of the building. "Hey Ammy!" Ammy looked over to the voice. Dakota. "Hey what's wrong?" Ammy smiled "It's nothing. I'll see you tomorrow!" Ammy waved an ran after Eren. Ammy got to Eren who was sitting on the stone stairs. "Hey." Eren looked up and said "I guess my anger took a toll. Ammy laughed and sat next to him. "Remember when you first took me to see the scouts?" Ammy said. Eren nodded with a smile, then his smile went to a serious emotion. "Ammy, I want you to join the mp." Ammy sat up "Your kidding right?" as Eren countiued Ammy could feel an anger inside boiling up. "No way Eren you said I'll never leave your side and that's that." Eren lpoked at her as Armin and Mikasa came outside. Ammy got up "I'm going to bed." as Ammy walked to the bunkers she could feel a song coming up. (I do not own this song. When ever I hear this song I think of aot so )

'And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we loved
Great clouds rolled over bring darkness above
But if you close your eyes, doesn't nothing change at all.'
The next day , up on wall roes

"Hey guys look at what I found!" Ammy looked over in surprise "OH MY GOD SASHA ARE YOU THAT CRAZY!?" "I know but think of it on a sandwich!" Ammy could feel her stomache growl. Dakota went over to Sasha. "just give me a taste now pl-" she was cut of by a giant explosion. Ammy could feel her self start to fall. Ammy shot her 3d gear into the wall. Ammy could here Eren yell. "Everyone this is your chance! Kill the colossal titan!" Ammy had a flash back when her mother was killed 'It's because of HIM HE WILL DIE!' Ammy pulled 2 blades out and jumped. she just hit the titan's weak spot when a steam so hot hit her in the face. Ammy let out a scream of pain and the Titan disappeared. 'just like last time.'

The battle of Trost starts now!

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