Chapter 1

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It's been 5 years since me and Chucky transferred our souls into Kelsey and Katarina,5 years since we been raising our child Glenda(Chucky still thinks she's a boy so he calls him or her Glen).

We bought a house a day after we got our new bodies,I dyed my hair or Kelsey's hair platinum blonde to match my original hair color and painted my nails black.
Me and Chucky both knew that we had to put Glenda's soul into a human baby,or she would be stuck like that forever,I know how it is being a doll and I didn't want our child to spend the rest of her life as a doll.

"Even if we did find someone,we couldn't put my-,well you know In them,look at me I'm a female."Chucky responded after I told him we needed a surrogate mother.

"I know,but Glenda can't spend the rest of her life as a doll." Then I thought of something,I still have my voodoo for dummies book.

"What about a voodoo pregnancy?."

"What?We don't even know how to do a voodoo pregnancy."Chucky Said He must not know I still had the book.

"Chucky,I still have the book,and I think there is a page in there about how to do a voodoo pregnancy."

"Okay,let's check it out."

I got the book out of a drawer I kept it in I saw the page for a voodoo pregnancy.

"It says here you need to mix a drop of your blood with your pee,and basically put it into the person you want to get pregnant."I read.

"So who's it going to be?".He Asked like it was that simple.

"I don't know chucky,we can't just choose any random person to carry our baby."I Said then I thought of something.My sister Destiny.

"Destiny."I blurted out,it wasn't even a question.

"NO,Not that bitch,She is not good enough for a child."  

"Look after she gives birth we tranfer Glenda's soul into the baby,then we find a way to take care of her."   I told him,the only reason I want Destiny to carry the child is because I had a plan for her after she gave birth.

"Fine,but do you even have contact to her.?"Chucky asked.

"Hell no,but I have the phone book."

I looked at the V section since the phone book is usually from last name.

Then I found it Valentine,Destiny.

"Hello?."I heard her voice,it hasn't changed at all since the last time we spoke to each other.Just she wouldn't recognize mine,I'm in a different body.

"Is this Destiny Valentine?."I asked trying to sound like I had no idea who she was.

"Yes,who is this.?"

"This is one of Tiffany's friends,and Tiffany asked you if you could come to her house and maybe hangout." I hope that didn't sound too obvious.

"I want to speak to Tiffany."Destiny said after a few seconds of silence.

"Sorry,she can't come to the phone right now,but I can give her a message."

"No that won't be necessary,what's her address.?" Destiny asked.

I told her my new address and she said she is going to be here tomorrow around noon.

Perfect.Our plan was going into action.

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