Chapter 3

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It was the next day,Destiny slept in the guest bedroom,Me and Chucky have woken up before her. "Is that bitch pregnant yet?"Chucky asked me,I rolled my eyes she literally just got here.

"No,she just got here.and by the way you know what you have to do first."I Said while handing him the cup.

"I know,the pee and blood thing,how am I going to get my blood in here?"He asked. I didn't say anything,I just took my nail file and sliced his finger.

"That's how."I said.

"How do we now if it's even my blood,I am in Katarina's body."

"Technically it will be your blood since you have your soul in her body."

"Fine."He Said as he put some of his blood in the cup.  "Now,I just need to pee."

Then he started taking his pants off.

"NO,CHUCKY!"I yelled but then realized that Destiny was in the guest room probably awake.      "Do it in the bathroom."  I Said a little more calmer.

We pulled his pants up and walked to the bathroom.

I went downstairs and started making breakfast. I heard Destiny walking down.

"What are you making.?"She Asked me as she was walking into the kitchen.

"Pancakes." I Said and then getting started on the voodoo pregnancy plan. "And by the way,me and my husband are heading out this evening for our anniversary.Will you be fine here till we get back?." The plan was I was going to "head out" and Kelsey and Kat are going to help impregnate Destiny.

"Yea,is it ok if my boyfriend,Jake comes over.?"She Asked me.

"Yes he can come over."

Later that evening,I got ready so she would buy that I am going out.
"I will be back in about 2 hours."I told Destiny.

I went outside and got into my car I drove behind the house so she would think I am really gone.Then I snuck back inside the house.

I heard someone come in,then I heard Destiny say Jake so it must be her boyfriend.

I saw Kelsey sneak behind the couch and put sleeping pills in the bottle of wine.Destiny took the wine and poured it into the glass. "So your sister is not here?"Jake asked her.

"No,she went out."After she said that they started making out,Jesus what a slut.
I then saw Kelsey grab a award and hit Jake over the head with it knocking him out. Then revealed herself to Destiny. I wish I could see Destiny's face,it was always kind of funny seeing my victims face when they realized a doll is truly alive.

"You are such a slut!."I heard Kelsey yell I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing.

I then heard a scream and saw Destiny run towards the door but then slipped.

"Now,I know your frightened,but I assure you.You will wake up and this will all seem like a bad dream." Kelsey told her. "We can do this the easy way,or the hard way.The choice is yours." I heard Destiny scream again then a thud,she must of picked the hard way.

I walked out and Kat and Kelsey where both dragging Jake and Destiny to the guest room.Then they pushed them on the bed.

"Hey tiff."Chucky called out holding the cup with it.

"They are in the guest room,I will put the stuff in Destiny with this."I Said while holding a turkey baster.

"Alright then."He Said while walking in the guest room,I walked behind him.

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