Chapter 4

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I then heard another scream come from the bedroom.
I asked Kat if she and Kelsey would tie Destiny to the bed.

I came in there and Destiny was tied to the bed.

"Tiffany?."   I then started laughing.

"Did you really think I would forgive you for betraying me,oh and by the way,the child your pregnant with it's Chucky's."      Chucky then walked into the room.

"Chucky?h-how did you end up like this?."Destiny asked.

"It's a long story."He replied.

"And don't ask about us,it's an even longer story."Kat said.

Destiny started screaming again,god will this women shut up.

"Chucky,shut her up."I told him.

He went over to her and put a sock in her mouth,then a photo fell out of his pocket,I picked it up.

I couldn't believe it,he was killing behind my back and what's worse is he brought his own child with him.

"What the hell is this?"Chucky turned to me.   "We had an agreement Chucky,we decided,for the sake of our child,we weren't gonna do this shit anymore."I threw the photo down.

"No you decided,just like you decided our son was a girl."

"He is a girl."I spat back.

"He is a boy god-dammit,and he is the most promising killer I have ever seen.You should have been there tiff,you would have been so proud of him."

I then yelled at him. "I WANT A GIRL!."

"I WANT A BOY."He yelled back.

"YOUR TEARING ME APART,WHAT ABOUT WHAT I WANT!."Glenda yelled.i jumped I didn't know she was behind us.

"What"Chucky Said I Said the same thing.

"Does anything that I want mean anything at all?"She Asked a little calmer.

"Interesting,tell us."

"What do you want sweetface.?"I asked her.

"I think I want to be a boy."Glenda said.

"YES!In your face lady!." Chucky Said To me,I just glared at him.

"But being a girl would be nice too."She said.

I turned to Chucky and just smiled.

"Whoa,which is it."Chucky Asked her.

"I'm not sure,sometimes I feel like boy,sometimes I feel like a girl.Can I be both.?"

"Well,some people-." Before I could finish Chucky interrupted.

"No way."

"But one thing I know for sure,I don't want to be a killer."

"Ok,Glen,whatever I'm so proud of you,no matter what happens we will deal with it together,as a family."

"Does it smell bad in here or is it just me."Kelsey asked.

"Sorry."Kat said.

"Wait a minute,I'm not gonna let you poison our sons mind with your touchy 12 step bullshit.You two don't wanna kill anymore that's your loss but don't look down your noses at me.Im not ashamed of being a killer,I'm proud of it is not an addiction,it is a choice.and it is not something you should have to hide in the closet.!"Chucky the punched the closet door,making it open and Jake's body fall out.

I gasped and Destiny screamed well,a muffled scream.

"Oh god."I turned around.

"Well,well,Well looks like miss high and mighty ain't so perfect after all."He Said as if he were taunting me.

"It was just a little slip rome wasn't built in a day you know!"I yelled at him then I turned and looked at Jake's dead body.  "And besides the fucker really had it comin."

It became night quick,Destiny was having contractions,it wouldn't be long until her water broke.

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