Ch.1- A New Customer and a Bad End to a Bad Day

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Ch.1- A New Customer and a Bad End to a Bad Day

(AN- Anyone spoiling the story at any part, or it's sequel, will have their comment deleted. Spoiling the story for other's isn't cool, and it's kinda upsetting to have to address this in the first place since it's started to appear in this book as of late. Reading the story and finding out the reveals yourself provides a much more enjoyable experience. So please don't ruin the story or the fun of reading for yourself and others by spoiling. Enjoy the read every one.)

(AN- Bakugou from ch.1 of Blood Bond drawn by Scullyva. If you make any sort of art, mood boards, off shot fics etc for this series, please let me know as I'd be over joyed to see it and would be delighted to share it as well!)

The afternoon had been relatively quiet, barely any rushes or big orders that would raise your stress levels to the roof. Just a simple, neat, and orderly day in the same bakery you called home. The display cases were stacked and you lazily flipped through your phone as the seconds ticked by.

You had expected more of a crowd today, seeing as the weather was finally starting to turn nice after what had felt like months of non-stop rain and wind. Spring had come in like a lion but seemed to finally be easing into its more lamb-like state as the first days of summer arrived. And with the skies only partly cloudy and the umbrellas not needed, people were venturing out.

But it didn't seem like what they needed was a sweet or two, making you pout into your work. You knew you weren't the most popular or largest bakery operation in the city, but you did put a lot of care and high-quality ingredients into your treats. And knowing that most of them would remain unsold hurt not only your spirits but your wallet as well. At least the homeless shelter and family center would like the free treats... they always did.

You groaned, looking down at the array of treats that you created that very morning: cupcakes, cookies, a cake or two, along with some smaller bite-sized sugary delights. It wasn't easy to be a baker... but then again it was the life you chose for yourself.

Sighing once more, you walked towards the back room to start planning what flavors of cupcakes you thought would be nice to sell tomorrow. Vanilla and chocolate of course, and maybe a mint flavor? No... salted caramel? Yes! That would be the perfect flavor to rotate in for the red velvet you currently had.

The soft chiming of a bell alerted you that after the hours of nothing, someone had finally wandered in. You jumped in joy, happy to see a customer peeking at the selection of morsels, waiting for the employee to arrive back. You did so in a timely and professional manner, smiling softly at the male who was slowly looking up to see you enter.

"Welcome in, how can I help you?" You spoke, making sure to wipe the excess flour from the back room on your apron.

You looked at the man who had entered, seeing as he was fairly bundled up, despite the weather. He wore a dark red hoodie on top of sagging black jeans, as well as burying his hands into his sweatshirt's pocket.

His features didn't share any brighter look on him, as the punk/rebel attire continued even through his features. Cream blonde hair that stuck off in any and all angles, not caring if it looks messy in the slightest as well as a pair of eyes that just seemed to peer right into your soul.

You looked hard into the crimson irises that stared at you, feeling a growing sense of uneasiness radiating from them the longer contact was held. Something about them... just seemed so... so unnatural.

Maybe it was because red wasn't a natural eye color by any standard. However, with the rise in popularity of those colored contacts and how this male was dressed, you couldn't completely say that it wasn't normal.

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