Ch.7-Innocent Until Guilty or Guilty Until Innocent

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Ch.7-Innocent Until Guilty or Guilty Until Innocent

You quietly hummed to yourself as the evening continued to roll on by slowly. The sounds of the night life picking up and the stereotypical sounds of vehicles, people, and general city noise buzzing around your ears. The day had finished off, or rather would be in another couple hours.

You sat in your pajama shorts on the couch in your apartment, slowly fighting off the sleepiness dancing around your eyes. The dull sounds of the television becoming very distant as your head began to sink and your eyes blinked slowly. Sleep was coming soon...

You almost didn't believe it at first, the sleepy state you were slowly giving into making things seem more dreamlike than they actually were. However, as the knocking picked up more and the banging became louder, you eventually snapped out of your daze.

Stretching, you rose from your spot, slowly making your way towards the door. Yawning, you unlocked it, opening the entrance way without so much as checking to see who was on the other side. A lack of care from a lack of sleep you supposed.

"Oh... did we wake you?" Kirishima spoke, noticing the tired eyes you were attempting to rub away as you realized who had been outside.

"Hmm." You shook your head. "I've been awake but fighting off some sleep for the last hour. What are you two doing here?"

Kirishima looked to his blonde companion, and then back at you. You nodded slowly, offering to let the two inside to speak. Kaminari paced in after the redhead and as both were inside, you closed the door behind you.

The males had already situated themselves near the couches and chairs, and you joined them soon afterwards. It was quiet for a few moments, no one speaking or even adjusting how they were sitting.

"Bakugou's not he?" Kirishima finally mumbled, knowing it was much too quiet for the male to be here.

"No, he's not..." You mumbled, casting a glance once again at the sliding glass door. "He got angry at me a few days ago... hasn't been back since. I assumed he wasn't..."

"Did he say where he was going... or when he'd be back?" Kaminari asked you, voice dipping low.

"No. He just seemed like he was ready to leave..." You spoke, sighing. "Guess he doesn't stay in one place for long, huh?"

Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged glances, Kaminari nodding to the other male to speak. Kirishima cleared his throat, rubbing a hand behind his head before he opened his mouth once again.

"It's like him to leave... but not like him to not say where he's going or how long he'll be gone." Kirishima laughed once. "He's pretty weird... lets you know when he's irritated, but will leave to cool down before coming back."

"So you think he's still angry?"

"No." Kirishima shook his head. "He never stays away for long... and even if he does come back still angry, he at least wants to come back. He likes having a place to go... I think that's why he's staying here and not with the two of us and Ashido."

"Well... he certainly didn't make it sound that way." You sighed.

"He's... complicated..." Kaminari mumbled, not sure of the words himself.

"He acts like an asshole cause it's all he knows how to do... but deep down Bakugou is a good guy, and ever since he met you he's slowly letting that part of him out more."

You blinked, looking up at Kirishima after his last words. A small burning in your cheeks, the sensation out of place in your usually average skin. You had only known this vampire for a week... and to suddenly be told he might have been worse than he was now... it was just a bit unsettling.

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