Ch.15- Everything is changing... I just wish I could as well.

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Ch.15- Everything is changing... I just wish I could as well.

(AN- Anyone spoiling the story at any part, or it's sequel, will have their comment deleted. Spoiling the story for other's isn't cool, and it's kinda upsetting to have to address this in the first place since it's started to appear in this book as of late. Reading the story and finding out the reveals yourself provides a much more enjoyable experience. So please don't ruin the story or the fun of reading for yourself and others by spoiling. Enjoy the read every one.)

Human rituals for showing that you and your partner were together were very strange to him. He could understand things like kissing, but hand holding was a strange one. He could see the grainy memory of his parents often doing so back when his heart still beating as a way to keep him alive and when his teeth were all normal.

This type of interaction was awkward, to say the least. And if he were to say more, he'd point out how interlocking fingers made them sweaty and stiff, how clasping hands got really uncomfortable after several minutes. And of course, how everyone you passed seemed to look at you both, then your hands together, and then back at the both of you before making their opinion of whether you seemed like a good couple or not.

Bakugou hated it... he hated having other people try to decide how he felt about his relationship. This was between you and him... and if anyone thought they should have a say in how much he kinda liked you and how much you kinda liked him... then they better explain how they were part of the relationship as well. Cause as far as Bakugou knew... this relationship that was just starting to bud after a long and careless winter... was just him and you. No one else.

So as your hand stayed held to his as you stood outside the bar where your stupid friend was apparently playing tonight... he couldn't help but want to drag you back to your apartment right now. He didn't want any of these assholes to know you were dating... not after the majority of them found out he and you were well... 'chosen by fate' or whatever shit the old vampire legends claimed it to be.

But... you wanted to let them know. Saying something or another about them having supported the both of you so much and how they deserved to know. It took you nearly all week to get him to finally crack on this and then drag him here where everyone would be. But now... he realized how much he hated the idea of them all judging him... thinking they could make a damn better decision than he could.

"Ready?" You asked him, hand on the entrance door and ready to walk in.

"No... but I know that's not going to fucking stop you." He sighed, rolling his ruby irises.

"Just... be nice. Got it, Bakugou?" You shook your head.

"I agreed to let you tell all those idiots... not to be nice about it."

"Yeah yeah. I got it, grumpy gills...just don't start a fight."

"You damn well know I can't promise that."

"Ugh..." You groaned and opened the door. "Let's just get this over with."

He shrugged, feeling your hand squeeze his as you both made your way towards the back of the bar. The sounds of familiar voices hitting your ears and making him realize that in another moment... the dating secret would be out.

"Hey everyone!" You called, waving your free hand to a large group of familiar faces.

"Ah! (Name)-cha- Ah AH AHHHHH!" Uraraka quickly noticed your hand held tightly in Bakugou's, her already blushy face getting even pinker.

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