Ch.18- I don't want to get involved in any family shit... but...

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Ch.18- I don't want to get involved in any family shit... but it's about me it seems.

The sounds of someone lifting heavy boxes onto their shoulders and walking inside the apartment echoed off the walls. And then came the voice of the same person once they exited the room after having placed boxes down.

"Wait! Why the hell am I helping this half-angel bastard move in?!" Bakugou yelled, pointing at the half-angel in question. His crimson eyes annoyed beyond belief that he had been caught up in this 'moving in' some how.

"Cause Shou needs help." You shrugged, not looking up from helping Uraraka carry another heavy box in. "So please help... you're the strongest of us all, Katsuki."

You and the fairy walked away, Uraraka looking at you curiously. Once the box was down and Todoroki had headed out to grab another box, she elbowed you in the side. You glanced at her, curious as to what she wanted.

"Hey... is everything okay with you today?" She asked. "You seem a bit tense around Bakugou-kun. Did something happen?"

You shook your head. "We're not fighting if that's what you thought. We're just at an... awkward part of our relationship right now. So... I'm struggling to talk to him beyond reasoning with him right now..."

"Want me to talk to him? I'm sure I can get him to do anything! I'm very persuasive!" Uraraka beamed and you giggled.

"No, it's fine really." You shook your head. "Where's Midoriya by the way... he was supposed to come today, right?"

Uraraka shrugged. "He was helping Iida-kun with a presentation today and then said he'd come straight over. Hopefully soon... or he'll miss bringing all these boxes in! Todoroki-kun, how do you have so much stuff?!"

The male paused in front of the both of you, shrugging his shoulders. "I wanted the traditional Japanese feel... so I ordered anything I thought would look good."

"Wait, Shou... is this all new?" You blinked.

"No. I have one box of clothes and one box of personal mementos."

"Shou.... That leaves thirty boxes of stuff you just randomly found..." You deadpanned as the red and white-haired male carried another box into the apartment he had successfully been allowed to rent.

"We need to stop befriending weirdos..." Uraraka laughed, nearly spitting as she laughed hard.

"That counts as you too..." You bumped her hip. "Now come on, let's get some more boxes inside."

Uraraka stuck her tongue out at you but followed suit. The both of you lifted a few more boxes and talked to the other two males who were helping. Soon, all that was left was half a dozen more boxes and then the furniture before you all could move to unpacking and decorating the apartment.

Suddenly, a vibrating phone made you have to pause and you moved away from Uraraka to answer. Standing inside the kitchen and listening to the frantic person on the other side of the line, you couldn't help but get a little ticked off at what he was telling you.

"What do you mean mix-up?" Your voice was harsh. "Did you not read the tags I marked them as when you picked them up this morning?"

The boy apologized, saying he just grabbed the first box when he dropped off one of your six dozen orders of cupcakes to the client this morning. And how the other order of six dozen went to the other client.

And thanks to his laziness... both clients had called them saying these were not the cupcakes they had requested and they wanted their money back. And now... his mess had become your problem. As it was your bakery name on the line, and you would deal with this to the best of your ability and right now.

Blood Bond (Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now