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Wilfords pov
When we got outside to the workout place I smiled . Now this was my time to show off how strong I am to Dark. " hey kid here's the smallest one I could find. "  I watched as Magnet handed him a small weight,  he instantly got dragged to the floor by it " oof....a-are you sure this is the smallest?" Even with two hands he could barely pick it up . With a sigh I picked it up with my finger and my thumb "wow sweetheart.  You did very well for your first try! But I would suggest just watching for now " I kissed his forehead as he smiled softly , he  then skipped over to the bench and sat down . " he's never going to survive in  here M. "  Magnet shook his head as he mumbled " yeah I know . But as long as he stays like a skelington the more he'll have to stay with me...." magnet chuckles a little as he picks out his weights with bull" you're an evil fucker M..."  I grin " No shit. "  I can feel Bull death glares me as he growls , he's never much of a talker . " what's up with you dude?"  He looks up at me , just by his facial expression I could tell he was pissed . After putting my hands on his shoulders I raise my eyebrow " seriously just tell me- " he shoves me , causing the courtyard to go silent  "did....did you just FUCKING SHOVE ME ?!"  I begin to role up my sleeves  as he backs away "I only shoved you because the way you treat that guy is disgusting . "  we begin to go around in a circle , staring at eachother carefully.  Like usual the men around began to chant either my name or Bulls , mostly mine though . Of course .

Darks pov
I can't let this happen . I can't let this happen to another person . Of course it's fine when he hurts me , but not too his friends . After shoving past the crowd (more like squeezing through ) .  Without thinking I jump onto Wils back , wrapping my  legs around his waist as I yanked on his hair "MOTHER FUCKER!" He stumbled around as he tried to shove me off , I held on tightly though while starting to dig my nails into his neck . " the guards are coming !" Instantly I hopped off him and the crowd scattered . We both sat next to each other , I quickly looked down as the guards began to search for any sign of fighting.  " once we get into the showers your fucking dead"  I shiver a little as he leaned away from my ear.  

Darks gonna get it

caged with a demon ((second book to my dark kitten))Where stories live. Discover now