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???? Pov
Caught . I knew I should've been more careful when plotting stuff . The last time I tried to kill jack it failed , now it's failed again and I'm in prison . Well I suppose if anyone wants to fight me I'll give them a fight . Show them what happens in Ireland  " all the cells are'll have too sleep on the floor mate "  fucking fantastic. Gonna have to fight someone on the first night here just to get a bed  . They yeet me into a cell then slam it shut "OI. Fuckin be careful with me would ya? I'm a delicate ANGEL!" I yell at them  "....Green cunt? "  I know that voice and nickname from anywhere "Wilford?"  He got up and high fived me "I thought I killed you ! How you doing man? "  I chuckle "I'm a demon yo dumb fuck! I just woke up and walked out your house " nodding ,.he sat on the bunk bed " well that's where your body went...I thought Dark cleaned it up..." I couldn't help but laugh . Dark clean up a body ? His reaction to seeing me 'dead' was freaking out and crying . " How is Dark then ? The lil fucker is probably sucking all the egos off."  Wilford moved a little so I could see behind him , Dark was hugging a pillow while cooing.  How the hell did he get into prison " he's in here because he got too nervous and stabbed the postman."  Well...killing someone is an actual good reason  " Yer kiddin right? Look at 'im.  He's a proper softy.  He looks like he belongs in a school or sum shit. "   just then his eyes began to flutter open and he screamed "a-antis come back to haunt us! " he hid behind Wil. 

Darks pov
Oh wait. He can't be a ghost since he's a demon . When his body wasn't there in the morning I just thought Wil got rid of it....turns out he's completely alive .  "I Ran away fer sum time because I was tryna plot Jacks death . The bastard caught me in teh act. " he sat inbetween Bull and Magnet on the bunk bed "by the way . These two fat fucks look like there 50 of Dark combined . Like fuckin 'ell  what do they feed ya? "  Magnet laughs and pats his back while Bull looks down "don't say anything about bull . He may look tough but he's a big ol softy.  "  In response Anti snorts "fuckin pussy. Bull needs to speak more really "  I frown and walk up to Bull,  giving him a hug . The room goes silent. However Bull just reached out and gently hugged me " i-its okay Bull.  I think your tough in your own w-ways. "  I do prefer Bull more then Wil sometimes . He's quiet and nice , I still don't know why he's in here though . Maybe he just stole something? I doubt he killed someone  "thank you kid."  he mutters and slowly let's go , it's obvious he didn't want to though "alright . Cuddles for me now , right? I don't want him stealing you away from me " death glaring Wil,  I just sit down next to him "but..but I want a hug!" Suprisingly he sounded genuinely upset  "I'll give ye a hug Wilfy....around yer neck. Wee bastard "  with a sigh I reluctantly hug him before he probably tried killing him again " I love you..." that's the first time I've heard him say that when it's not after we've done stuff . He actually said it without me having to ask him too !  " Darky your crying. I didn't mean to make my love that overwhelming " after he picked me up I sob into his chest although I am happy " you said you love me . And I wuv you too! Thank you for loving mee!" He kisses my cheek "of course I love you . You're my husband  after all." 

HUSBAND . Possible marriage that Dark didn't agree too but we know that he'll agree to anyway because Wil is the only one he loves? ....or maybe Bull has other plans?

caged with a demon ((second book to my dark kitten))Where stories live. Discover now