Chapter 4 (Forget me not)

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When Gwen woke up, she was lying in a silky soft king - size bed in some over sized shirt. After a while when she was fully conscious panic started to set in as she noticed where she was. In her panic she didn't see Sandy sitting in their corner on a big plush couch reading a book. "You aren't escaping." Sandy said, she was getting quite bored when Gwen continued to yank on the door. Eventually she gave up and sat back on the bed. "Do you remember anything?" Sandy asked when Gwen's wheezing became less. When she tried to remember anything she couldn't it was as if when she tried to touch them then floated away, even when she tried to remember something simple like her name she found that she couldn't. Afraid to speak Gwen simply shook her head no. Sandy suddenly sat up straighter expecting her to show signs that she was lying but all she saw was Gwen's innocent eyes looking back at her expecting an answer. This made the atmosphere in their room very tense. Sandy was contemplating whether or not to go tell Luca. At that exact moment Luca opened the door, Gwen quickly scurried to cover herself as she was still a very revealing shirt. "Luca she doesn't seem to remember anything" Sandy didn't mean for it to slip out but she was afraid he would hurt her if she didn't tell him. "GO!" Luca said through the link so Sandy took her chance and hurriedly left the room leaving Gwen and Luca alone. Luca didn't know how to start the conversation he was torn between asking how much she knew and just telling her what he wanted her to believe.

Gwen wondered why this extremely attractive man was standing here. His eyes held a haunted look and the slight wrinkles was proof that he was constantly stressed. She also noticed that he shoved his fingers through his pitch black hair whenever he was nervous. Sandy returned to the room thick with tension. "Dinner is about to be served, they have asked that you join them" was all Sandy said before she turned around and shut the door. Luca just walked out of the room Gwen had to speed walk to keep up with him. She wanted to ask more questions as to where she was but his tense expression told her that it wouldn't be very smart.

Finally he stopped enough for Gwen to catch up but when she saw where they were her jaw dropped. The dining table was the size of a whole football field if not bigger and on the table was every kind of food you could think of was laid out just waiting to be eaten. Luca went and sat at the head of the table but she had no idea where she was supposed to sit. A friendly looking guy led her to a seat next to Luca. When they were seated a bunch of people crowed the room. They all took their seats and Luca began to say something in a language she didn't understand. While Luca was talking the guy next to Gwen glanced at her every few seconds but she didn't know if she had knew him and was afraid to ask. When Luca was finished and they all started to eat she said nothing. He looked slightly guilty whenever their eyes met. "From where do I know you?" Gwen asked when the meal was done and she had summoned up enough courage to ask. "Well we were best friends." He said, Gwen was shocked how could she not have known who her own best friend was, it was one crazy day. "Why were we friends, why aren't we friends?" It bothered her that she couldn't remember him or why they apparently weren't friends anymore. "You really can't remember me?" He asked in a hopeful tone. "No I'm sorry it's not on purpose I promise." Gwen answered after a while . He became quite thinking what he was going to tell her about what he had done to her. In the end he decided what she didn't know couldn't hurt her.

"My name is Tom."


I'm sorry for the late update I just didn't know what to do in this chapter. I hope you like it and if you did please vote and leave a comment. I would very much appreciate it.

Thanks xoxo

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