Chapter 13 (Jennie)

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Standing in front the diner made it feel like time hadn't passed since I was gone. People were smiling and laughing, having a good time unaware of my situation.

Sebastian placed his hand lightly on my lower back nudging me to walk inside. When I stepped inside the familiar sounds and smells almost had me in tears. It felt like a live time ago since I had been here.

A tall lanky guy welcomed us and took us to our booth. I didn't even have to look at the menu he offered me to know what I was having. "I'll have a strawberry milkshake and the belly buster with fries." I said handing the menu back. His eyes noticeably bulged when he wrote down my order. "I'll have the same." He was talking to the waiter but his eyes held mine in a intense stare down. The guy left us in a uncomfortable silence. "Why this place?" He asked in a gentle voice, like he was afraid if he talked to loud a would run away. My body tensed up, I wasn't use to him asking me anything much less such a personal question. "Uh...well I've been coming here since I moved here." I hoped my barely there answer would be enough for him.

The waiter returned with our milkshakes and the silence from before settled around us as I savoured the sweet taste. Nothing could beat Darcy's strawberry milkshakes. I remembered me and Tom sitting in our usual booth by the door laughing and joking around. He always got us thrown out with his fry-wars, which consisted of him throwing other consumers till they started complaining.

Back then I would've never guessed he was just pretending to be my friend. I was startled when a small girl, I guessing around my age with dark ringlets all the way down her back and blue eyes,  banged her foot against our table. "I'm so sorry I didn't look where I was going." Her voice sounded apologetic but not pathetically so. Sebastian locked eyes with her instantly as she spoke. They stared at each other oblivious to the world around them, I didn't like that my stomach dropped and dread filled my heart as I saw the affection Sebastian's eyes held for her.

My mind told me it was ludicrous but my heart was itching for me to make a move. To show this girl that he was with me. Our waiter appeared with our order in hand but I had suddenly lost my appetite.

"Jennie?" His voice sounded different in some way, it still held all the usual authority but I could tell this girl meant a lot to him in the way his voice broke in the end.


Hi guys new update yeah!!!

I love writing this book and all your positive feedback makes me want to write even more. Keep them votes coming

Thanks xoxo

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