✔️Prologue: MITB 2014

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Prologue: MITB 2014
Men's Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Third Person's POV:

Everyone is down as they all try and will themselves to head for the briefcase.

All their eyes turn to shock as Scott Hall's theme played around the arena as they glanced at each other in confusion.

Soon the crowd broke out in loud cheers as instead of Scott Hall, Angelica Hall runs down the ramp in black leggings, a black hoodie and black combat boots.

Angelica slides into the ring as all the men stare at her confused.

She rolls her eyes and grabs a ladder, setting it up right under the briefcase.

She runs to Seth Rollins in the corner and helps him limp to the ladder.

She sets him on the ladder before hitting her signature, a roundhouse kick, Death Wish on Kofi Kingston.

Seth slowly climbed the ladder as Angelica guarded him.

Seth reached the top of the ladder and slowly unlatched the briefcase as he stared in shock.

He had done it. Seth Rollins was Mr. MITB.

Angelica smirked as all the other competitors glared at her as she helped Seth down and off the ladder.

Seth Rollins leaned on her as they walked together up the ramp.

Hunter and Stephanie walked out, clapping for both with huge smiles.

Hunter and Stephanie raised both Angelica's and Seth's hands as both smiled.

Angelica Hall had sold out to the Authority.
Off Air
Angelica's POV:

Once we got backstage I dropped Seth's arm as Uncle Hunter and Aunt Steph pulled me into a big, tight hug.

I hugged back as I smiled at them softly.

Without both, I wouldn't be here today.

After we pulled away Hunter smirked "So Ms. Hall, you sold out huh?"

I shrugged and match his smirk "Nope Uncle H. I bought in. To survive you gotta evolve, or perish"

He chuckled and kissed my head as Steph did the same before they both walked away as I smiled at their retreating figures.

Why couldn't I find that type of love?

I turned around and jumped a little, completely forgetting about Seth Rollins.

He sent me a small smile and held out his hand "Colby Lopez, AKA Seth Rollins. Welcome to WWE Ms. Hall. And thanks, for you know helping me"

I smiled at his words and shook his hand "Angelica Hall, thanks and no problem. Gotta evolve right?"

We shared a laugh as we started to walk down the hallway side by side.

"So what's the plan for the briefcase?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

He shrugged slightly as he groaned in pain and held his ribs but tried to act tough "I-I don't know. I probably won't know until it's time for the cash in."

I raised and eyebrow at him as he leaned against the wall "I think you should go to the medic Colby"

He sighed and shook his head as he tried to stand but groaned and closed his eyes in pain.

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