✔️Chapter 2: Monday Night Debut

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Chapter 2: Monday Night Debut

Monday Night Raw
Off Air
7:41 PM
Angelica's POV:

I slipped on my ring gear and my leather jacket and combat boots before brushing through my hair and making my way out of my locker room.

I started the long walk to the entrance since the Authority had the opening segment then I had my match against Brie.

I didn't make it far before Joe and Jon walked over with smiles.

"Hey Angie" Joe said as he sent me a smile.

I smiled back as I hugged back, Jon for a little longer "Hey Leati. Hey Jonathan. How are you guys doing?"

They both shrugged.

"I'm gonna be messing with Rollins tonight. Joe has a match against Kane" Jon said as they started walking side by side with me as I was in the middle with Jon on the right and Joe on the left.

"Cool. I got to be out their as Hunter and Steph introduce me, then I got a match against Brie Bella" they nodded at my words.

"So hey Angel, who are you rooming with or driving with? Because Joe here suggested you could possibly ride with us if you want" Jon said as he looked a little nervous about asking.

I blushed slightly but shook my head to get myself from embarrassing myself "Nope I'm free. I'd love to ride with you guys. And Hunter said he doesn't care who I Room with"

They both nodded as Joe glanced at Jon with a smirk "And by the way, he lied. I didn't want to know, he's been bugging me all day to ask you because he was nervous"

I internally awed at that as I smiled and Jon glared at his friend.

"Okay, my answer is still yes. Thank you Jon, it means a lot that you want me to ride with you" I said as I blushed slightly.

Jon blushed slightly and nodded but covered it with a smirk as he glanced at Joe with a glare.

Joe chuckled as we arrived at the entrance "Okay then kiddos, just be safe. And Angie, kick that Bella's ass. And eventually if you ever want to leave the Authority, call me"

I chuckled and kissed his cheek as he walked away and Jon leaned on the wall next to me while we waited for the show to start.

"So you wanted me to ride with you?" I questioned as he smirked

"So you want to ride with us?" He shot back making me giggle slightly.

I nodded "Of course. John and Bry are with Nikki and Brie, Nick is with Summer, Cody is with his brother, Show is with Kane and Randy is with Rollins. So yeah, either that or I'm stuck with Randy and Colby"

He growled slightly but tried to cover it with a slight cough.

"Um yeah, that would suck. So do you wanna room with me and Joe too? We'll get the suite so it'll have enough beds" he asked while running a hand through his hair.

Out of instinct I nodded and reached up, brushing his hair behind his ears.

I immediately brushed and pulled away as Jon blushed a little and tried once again to cover it with a smirk.

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