✔️Chapter 3: A Lunatic And An Empire

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Chapter 3: A Lunatic And An Empire

Monday Night Raw
Off Air
End Of Show
Angelica's POV:

I sighed as I changed into shorts and a tank top and put my hair into a bun and slipped on flip flops.

I packed my gear up before taking out my phone and texting Jon since he gave me his number earlier today.

AngieHall: Hey, I'm ready 2 go when u guys are. Where do I meet u?

He instantly replied

LunaticAmbrose: Can u come to the men's locker room? Joe's in the shower and I'm packing my bag now

I grabbed my duffel bag and made my way down the hall to the men's locker room.

I knocked and waited until Kofi opened the door.

He let me in with a smile.

I hang out here a lot okay, don't judge.

I looked around and waved hey to Cody and Nick before walking over to Jon who was smirking at me and leaning against the wall.

"Hiya Jonny" I said with a smile as I plopped down on the bench in front of him.

He rolled his eyes but smiled "Hey Angel. Joe's almost done, just getting dressed, then we can head out"

"Cool" I said as I nodded and leaned against the wall.

My phone buzzed making me sigh as I ignored it as Jon glanced at me in curiosity.

I ignored it as Show, Cody, Nick and Bryan walk over.

They hear my phone buzzing and glance at it.

"Um you gonna get that Angie?" Bryan questions as they glance from my to the phone.

I shook my head slowly "No. It's Dad and Kevin."

Show and Cody nodded in agreement as Nick and Bryan and Jon looked confused.

I sighed loudly "I'm tired of my dad abusing his friendship with Hunter for me. And Show, you know this, my dad is a prick to a lot of people. And so is Uncle Kevin. But both guys love me and they try their best to be different but sometimes it's just......Both guys are jerks when they are together, even to me"

All the guys sent me sympathetic looks as I noticed everyone else in the locker room had stopped and listened to me because they sent me looks of pity and sympathy.

Show hugged me tightly, and I like went up to his stomach.

"It's okay Angelica. Yeah, Scott and Kevin are dicks, but they love you and want the best for you. Just......just know we love you to Angie" Show said making me smile slightly.

Once we let go all the other guys hugged me before Joe finally walked out and grabbed his bag.

I sent the guys a smile and told them I'd text them later as Jon grabbed his bag and mine as I walked behind them out of the locker room.

I tried to grab my bag from Jon but he just held it above his head making me growl at him as Joe laughed at us.

"Pricks" I muttered as I stomped past them out to the parking lot toward Jon's car.

Earlier Jon had driven me to the arena so my suitcase was already in the trunk along with his and Joe's.

I heard their chuckles from behind me as I jumped into the backseat of the SUV.

Eventually they got in, Jon in the passenger seat and Joe in the driver seat and we started the long ass driveway.

I stuck in my earbuds and pulled out my can of Pringles that I stuck in my bag this morning before turning on three days grace and leaning my head against the window so I could try and get some rest.

Eventually I did manage to fall asleep for the first time in a long time.

I woke up 2 hours later to Jon and Joe talking in gentle voices to probably not to wake me.

They were talking about their matches for SmackDown before the conversation turns.

"Hey, so since Angelica's asleep, what's up with you two?" Joe questioned as he drove and glanced at Jon.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep once Jon glanced back at me.

I heard him sigh "To be honest man, I don't even know. Just......I'm just drawn to her. It's like a pull. Everything about her. She's obviously very beautiful but also the fact she's so innocent and sweet and selfless. She's nothing like those sellouts and nothing like her father. She's an Angel. And I just can't get enough of her"

I felt his gaze back on me as Joe spoke "Really? I mean she seems great but you barely know her Jon"

"And? I feel like I do. I really like her. Leati.......I REALLY like her. She just makes me so nervous and I just want to be so nice and do everything possible for her" he said as he sounded drained.

I could feel Joe's smile as he spoke in excitement and happiness "Really? That's amazing Jonathan! It sounds like you're in love with her! Dude, you should totally ask her our, she seems totally into you. I talked to Nick earlier today, and you know he's known her for 6 years now and has never seen her blush before? And she introduced herself to you as Angel too, Nick said that she usually hates being called Angel, even by her dad"

It was silent until Jon spoke in a excited whisper "Seriously? That's.....that's great. I think I'll give it a few days and then just see where it goes"

I decided now was the time to wake up as I slowly groaned and sat up like I had just woke up.

I opened my eyes and Jon turned to me with a huge smile making me return it a little.

"Hey Angel, nice nap?" He asked.

I nodded "Yep. I was a little scared I was gonna be killed by a lunatic and an empire but I think I'm okay"

They both chuckled and agreed as I let Jon's words sink into my mind.

Word Count: 1026 Words

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