✔️Chapter 4: Public Appearances

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Chapter 4: Public Appearances

SmackDown Tapings
Tuesday Afternoon
Off Air
Hunter's Office
Angelica's POV:

I waited for Hunter to speak as Colby casually slid and arm on the back of the couch and around my shoulders.

I wanted to pull away but from Hunter's look I decided not too.

Randy sat next to Colby and glared at him while Kane and Show leaned against the wall with smirks.

"So Uncle H, why am I here?" I asked, fed up with the silence.

He sent me a small smile "Well Angelica, we have decided, that you and Seth will be an official on screen couple. And you are basically a member of the Authority so you will go out for everyone of Seth's matches and for Randy's as well. Sound good? Oh and you and Seth need to have some public appearances"

My head whipped toward him in disbelief "Public Appearances? Paul, Dad and Kevin and Eric will literally kill Colby and yourself"

Colby looked a little bit afraid as Randy smirked and Hunter just shook his head and sighed.

"Actually I wasn't done. You, Seth and Randy will be in a love triangle so for awhile you need to make Public Appearances with both guys, maybe a planned tip to a dirt sheet" he said as he looked through some papers as we all stared at him like he was crazy.

"You know Eric, Kevin and Dad better than anyone Paul. And if Hulk finds out, Paul, neither you nor Colby will survive. Randal might because he's in good with dad and Eric but that's it" I told him in all honesty as Randy laughed and nodded with a huge prideful smirk.

Hunter sighed "I know Angelica. Trust me, I know. I'll deal with Kev and Scott and Eric, I'll leave Hulk to you guys. And I trust you'll make this storyline work Ms. Hall"

Who the hell was sitting in front of me?

Because this wasn't one of the men who raised me.

This wasn't the man I've known as my Uncle.

This wasn't Hunter.

This wasn't even Paul.

Show, Kane and Randy glanced between me and Hunter in shock and disbelief as I stood up so I was standing right in front of him.

"Right now, you can drop the corporate bullshit you are putting on for Colby. Because Show and Glenn and Randal know how much you mean to me and how much I mean to you. Paul, whatever it is that's made you act like it, I hope you fix it quickly. You've been my family for a long time and I don't want to do something I'll regret. And you are my boss, and I will follow directions and scripts. But Paul, when you try and force me to act like a slut out in public everything changes! I'll do the love storyline in the ring, but out of it you have no business in my life. I'm not that same little girl you and Kevin and Dad and Terry can mold into the perfect wrestler. I'm a grown woman and I refuse to have you try and play me anymore. Pac and Shawn were always right about you guys, you never cares, not even Scott" I seethed hatred on the word everything.

Hunter's eyes widened in shock as did everyone else's as I finished my rant and went silent as the room went dead silent.

I glared at Hunter before walking away and to the door.

I opened the door and spoke without turning around "Glenn, Paul, Randal, Colby, I hope you know what type of man you are working for. He's put his entire life into this business, this place and he's let his personal life and storylines mix and I will have no part of it. Tell Nash and Hall and Hogan, I'm done being that little girl they can use and mold. I'm done answering their calls. Answering their texts. I'm done with it all and I hope you realize your mistake before I finally am done with you Paul Levesque"

With that I walk out, slamming the door behind me as I walked down the hall to the men's locker room.

I banged on the door and Wade Barret opened it in confusion.

He smiled at me but I just shoved past him, mumbling a small apology as I stomped to Jon and Joe in the corner.

They both looked at me worried as I removed all emotion from my face as I spoke "Could you two come with me to my locker room? You can change one there if you want. I just need to say something before Randal or Kane or Show or Rollins or Helmsley come after me" I growled out as they both instantly nodded and grabbed their bags.

Everyone in the locker room stared at me in confusion as Nick, John and Bryan slowly walked over.

"Angie?" Bryan said as I felt my emotions wash over me as I felt tears come to my eyes.

I sniffled, causing everybody in the locker room to look at me worried.

"B-Bryan, N-Nicholas, J-John.......I need some time away from just thinking about this. I'll text you guys later, just ask R-Randal what happened or S-Show" they instantly nodded and hugged me before I walked out, Joe and Jon following silently behind.

Once we reached my locker room I sat down and both men sat next to me as I finally let my tears fall and I explained everything.

They both just held me as I cried for the first time in a long time.

"Angie, it's okay babygirl. He'll come around, you know he loves you. He's just caught up in the stupid storylines" Joe tried to soothe me making me cry more.

"Shhhhh it's okay Angel. I'm here. Leati's here. We all are here for you. They don't deserve to have someone like you love them. Nobody in this world does. Princess, it'll be okay. I'll always be here" his words calmed me down a little as I hugged him tightly.

Once we let go he kissed my head a so glanced at Joe to see him smiling at this slightly.

Joe hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

I sent them a smile as Joe went for his match and Jon just held me to his chest as we watched SmackDown together.

Word Count: 1078 Words

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