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Jungkook's POV

I am finishing my sketching when I heard someone opened the door of my room. I turned and saw a figure stepping in. It's my housemate hyung, Jimin. Yes, I leave here with Jimin and 5 more creature who's older than me. I moved to New York around 5 years ago and I have no money to find a place to stay, then these hyung offer me to live here. They even provide one room for me because I'm the only one who still studying, while they shared the other rooms. They are so caring, just by thinking of that, I realized my life had been good.

Jimin looks at me, then my sketch. This hyung is 2 years older and like 20 cm shorter than me.

"Where had you been, kid? We are worrying you,"

"I went to do some research. Guess what, I met someone." I smiled brightly while Jimin hyung sat on my bed, next to the stool I'm sitting on.


"IU Lee,"

Jimin sighed. "You're nuts Jungkook. Is it her again? I don't believe you. If you keep being a fan like this, no one wants to be your girlfriend. So stop fooling around."

"No hyung." I protested. More like whining actually. "It really her..shes studying on my campus too, she just moves her like a few days ago.."

"Okay. I don't know what to say. Maybe its true, whatever. I m going then, I need to help Jin Hyung cleaning our room. You have class tomorrow morning?"

I nodded.

"Don't sleep too late. I'll wake you up. And tomorrow, I guess you can go with Suga hyung, he will be out for groceries," Jimin closed the door. I sighed.I'm telling the exact truth. She's really here.

Maybe I sound a bit nut after all. I've been wanting to meet IU Lee for a long time. I've met her, in launching event. But I've been wanting to see her again. I do admire her masterpiece.
I look at my study table. There's my favourite book,"Chateau".

Something feels off about Jieun.In all, while I've talked to her, she's nice. But it feels like she's been swallowing pain in her mind. Looking at every word written in her book, I was convinced that she's been facing a hard time.

I just met her, but why do I felt worried, sad, all the feelings that didn't belong to me? Why do I feel like this?

Maybe I'm really a nut. I should just sleep.


"Hyung, eat."

"Go away, Min Seok. I said I don't want to,"

Minseok sighed. It's been a week since Jiyong is like this. He felt guilty for letting Jieun go, but he knows he will also felt the same if he let her stay.
He loves his brother so much. But it's not that he has any power to bring Jieun back.

Jiyong sat on the balcony of his room, smoking, crying, that's all he does. Jieun wasn't his first love, but this is the first time he felt devastated and unworthy because of a girl.

"Hyung." Minseok sighed. He felt something stuck in his throat. It's hurt to see the only family he had in this state." you must eat.."

Jiyong gave no response. He just throwing his sight through the window.

Fine. Minseok is done.

"Do you want to die hyung? You said you want to meet her but if you keep doing this you'll see her in your coffin. You should be strong. This is not Jiyong that I knew. If you really want her back. Then fight. It's you who wrong. You are the one who cheats."

"NO IM NOT! I NEVER CHEAT ON HER!" tears is threatening to fall from Jiyong's eyes


"Taeyeon said she came to tell me about her problems so when she cried I hugged her back. I just comfort her when Jieun came. I didn't do anything else."

"But you are being a bastard by chasing her away. By being coward not to explain everything when she's here!"

Jiyong turned away. He messed up. He doesn't need to be reminded. He cries again. He loves Jieun. He really does.

Minseok gulped when he realized that he hurt Jiyong more.

"Hyung.." he put the tray and the table and knelt beside Jiyong."I will help you. I swear.I'll talk to Lisa about this, but only if you promise to take care of yourself."

Jiyong silenced for a moment.

"I promise."

"Thank you hyung.I'm more than happy. You know Jieum will be sad if she met you like this. There will be a chance. You loved each other. You just need to be strong."

Jiyong wipes his tears. He must be looking like hell all this while. This won't be.

He smiled.

Wait for my change.

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