Chapter 33

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Jughead POV

There was a loud ringing in my ear and I was looking up at the sky. I looked around and there was dust everywhere I sat up and felt a sharp pain in my right leg I looked down and saw a pice of shrapnel scrapped past the side of my thigh ands I I had a huge cut. The dust was starting to clear and I could just about see the armed humvee next to me.

"Sweets! You ok?!" I shouted and I moved close to the humvee.

"Yeah my side just hurts! Are you good?!" He shouted back.

"Something hit my leg but I'm good!" I shouted then the medic from out patrol group came out of and crouched next to me and wrapped tourniquet around my leg and got me in the humvee then he got Sweet-Pea in next. Then they drove us back to camp.

I was lay on a cot in the medical tent waiting for someone to stitch my leg. Someone walked over to me and wheeled a chair over and sat next to me.

"Hi I'm Doctor Taylor."


"Ok so I'm going to staple your leg."

"Whow whow staple?"

"Yeah the cuts to big to stitch so staple. Ok your going to have to take your pants off." She said looking at me.

"Ok." I said hesitantly I stood up and pulled down my pants but kept my boxers on obviously. She did what ever she had to do and and then I pulled my pants up and then she gave me some pain killers for a week but I'm leaving tomorrow to go home. I walked/ limped to my tent and when I walked in and was Sweet-Pea laying on his cot.

"Hey you ok?"

"A couple broken ribs but I'll live."

Today is my last day and it's also mail day. I took some pain killers and changed my pants then I went to see if there was any mail for me. I went and looked and there always a letter from Betty but this week there was no letter which got me a little worried but then I thought maybe Betty didn't send me one because she didn't think I'd get it I grabbed the letter for Sweets and took it back to the tent.

The next day.

The bus pulled up to we're I had last seen Betty 8 months ago. I got off the buss with my stuff and looked around for Betty but I couldn't find her I walked threw the people and tried to find Betty but I couldn't see her and I started to get worried. But then I saw Alice so I walked over to her.

"Alice? Is Betty here I uh didn't see her."

"Jughead I'm here because.....Betty's in the hospital."

"Wwhat? Is she ok what happened?"

"There was a car accident last week. She's in coma." I felt my hole world implode

"Was was Matthew in in the car?" I stuttered

"No Kevin and Veronica were looking after him when it happened. She was hit by drunk driver on the way home from picking up takeout for her, Kevin and Veronica."

"Can I see her?" I asked brokenly.

"That's why I'm here. I to tell you and to take you to see her." She said and I nodded and she walked towards a car and I followed her I threw my bag in the trunk of the car and then got in the passenger seat.

We drove to the hospital in silence and once we got there I followed her into the hospital Alice sighed us in then she took me to a room we stood outside and I looked threw the window and saw Betty my Betty laying in a hospital bed and she had a few cuts and bruises on her face and arms.

"I'll let you go in on your own. I'll wait out here for a while." I nodded not knowing what to say I walked in and shut the door behind me I walked over to the chair next to her bed I look my cap of and put it on the side I sat down in the chair and reached out and held her hand. I wonder what's going on in her head?I took a deep breath before I spoke.

"Hey Betts. It's me Juggie. I came back today and your mom told me what happened I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner Betty I had no idea. I came straight here to see you. I came backs Betty I came back for you and so I could meet Matthew. I need you to come back to Betts. I love you. Im going to stay here for a while then I'm going to go meet Matthew I'm going to go meet our son Betty. I love you Betts I'll be back in a minute im just going to go get some coffee." I said and I stood up and kissed her forehead softly I then picked up my cap and put it on backwards. My cap is a dark green camouflage baseball cap with a black America patch on it but on the back of it above were the adjusting strap is there's a little three pointed black crown. I walked out of the room and saw Alice sat on a chair outside the room.

"Is everything ok Jughead?"

"Yeah I'm just going to get some coffee. Do you want anything?"

"A coffee would be nice thank you." She said I nodded and went down to the cafeteria and got two coffees I then walked back to Betty's room. I walked in and couldn't see Betty's face because Alice was sat on the bed looking at her.

"I wasn't sure how you like it so I got it black and I have some sugar packets and some milk." I said and walked into the room.

"Juggie?" I heard a soft voice say I froze and looked up and then Alice moved out the way and sat on the chair and I looked at Betty and her eyes were open.

"Betts?" I said softly and she smiled I walked over and put the coffees down on the side and stood next to Betty's bed. I placed my hand on her cheek and she turned and looked at me. I smiled and caressed her cheek I brought my lips to hers and kissed her softly yet passionately. I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers.

"You have legs?"

"Yeah I was born with them." I said chuckling.

"So your fine? There was no explosion?"

"Yeah there was yesterday but I only got hit by a pice of shrapnel on the thigh. do you know about that?"

"I....I don't know? Mom just told me what happened so so when did you get back."


"So your ok? You haven't met Matthew yet?"

"No I haven't met him yet and I'm fine."

"I'm so confused?"

"Baby maybe you were dreaming. But I'm ok and your ok now. I love you."

"I love you too." She said and I kissed her softly and wrapped my arm round her and sat next to her and she snuggled into my side.


If your confused basically Betty was in a coma and all the chapters from chapter 26 was Bettys coma dream.

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