Chapter 7: Who's Carmen?

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Carmen's POV

"Loving the skirt Ms. Roberts"

First thing in the morning and she's already sucking up isn't she?

"Why thank you.....uhhhh Emma?" I replied a bit more dryly than intended,

I almost felt bad.

But of course my obsequious assistant would never notice, she's too busy trying to please me and far too naïve and shy to even show any signs of disapproval, especially to me. The CARMEN ROBERTS, soon to replace my father as the CEO in the family multimillionaire law firm.

"Emily" she corrected with a smile still plastered on her face.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Emma." I mumbled.

These assistant's names are so hard to remember and typically pointless especially since they didn't really mean much and was often disposed of and replaced in about two weeks.

After lifting my head from the case file I was grossly engulfed in, while walking into my office, I notice the most beautiful bouquet of white calla lilies and red roses centering my desk. I could already guess who they were from since he's always been quite the charmer.

"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."

As always, he manages to put the biggest smile on my face even without being present.

"Those were delivered early this morning Ms. Roberts" the perky and annoying voice revealed shattering my momentary state of euphoria, peering up she mirrored the same expression of joy I previously displayed.

Seeing the turn of events she quickly lost the smile as I began "Evidently....they weren't here yesterday." I snapped. To say that she was shaken up would be an understatement. After a few moments of awkward silence I spoke again.

"Well? ..." I inquired.

"I'm sorry to bother you Ms. Roberts, but my mom is sick at the hospital and I need to get some things for her, I was wondering-

"- listen here Esther, I don't give loans, nor do I lend or give away money, especially to people like you. I make investments in situations that I deem fit to benefit me in the near or late if it is money you are rambling on about, save yourself the energy and oxygen. I suggest you use it for something more important like getting my coffee, or do you need help with that too?"

I felt my blood rising at the thought of the nerve she would have to think that she was in any place or stature to ask me of any favors, boy was she sadly mistaken.

'I'm sorry ma'am, but I just wanted to know if it would be possible to get off work an hour earlier this evening so that I can stop off at her house to get the few items that she would need before 5:30." She explained in one breath as if she had rehearsed it 10 times before.

"Hmm...that may not be a problem once you've finished organizing the red box on the filing cabinet."
That's fair enough, as this is a firm after all, working has get done, dying mom and all.

"Thank you Ms. Roberts" she said with finality, while spinning on her heel and exiting my office, alas I was alone.

Emily's POV

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